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发布时间:2018-03-05 06:33

  本文选题:河南省 切入点:行政服务中心 出处:《郑州大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The administrative service center is the government that effectively integrates the functions of the relevant departments and provides citizens with the full range of style, speed and openness in a centralized office location. Transparent service is a form of service. It is a new service mode in the transition from regulatory government to service government in order to solve the problem of low service efficiency under the setting up of the original administrative organization. This paper takes the administrative service of Henan province as an example. The operation of the administrative center is the subject of study, By adopting the research method of combining empirical analysis with normative analysis and using the theoretical tools of holistic government and new public service, this paper discusses from theory to practice. Combining with the development of administrative service centers in 13 provinces and municipalities of Henan Province, directly in charge of counties and 6 counties and cities, and conducting on-the-spot investigations and discussions on the construction and operation of several pilot projects of service standardization, The author summarizes the achievements of the administrative service center in Henan province in recent years, which are mainly reflected in: remolding function, that is, from examination and approval to service; independent innovation, that is, exploring from service mode to expanding service range; improving efficiency. That is, from centralized office to standardized process; to change the style of work, that is, from the "official standard" prevailing to serving the populace. It can be said that several years of practice have improved economic efficiency while also making remarkable social benefits. Of course, At the same time, we can not help but see that there are many unsatisfactory places in the operation of administrative service center. For example, the division of departments still exists, the degree of information sharing is not high, the authorization of entry window is not in place, and some windows have false duties; The office system is not mature, the level of e-government is low, the analysis ability of big data is not enough, the service for government decision-making and management is limited, and so on. The reason for these problems is not only that the concept of subjective consciousness lags behind the situation, Moreover, there are constraints on the level of technological development under objective conditions, as well as operational aspects, such as the internal and external management system is not smooth and perfect, which is also the main cause of the problem. How to improve the operation quality of Henan administrative service center? In view of the problems in the operation of the administrative service center, this study argues that, first of all, it is necessary to perfect the institutional setting, establish the provincial service center and the administrative examination and approval bureau, facilitate the top-level guidance and linkage up and down; secondly, optimize the system and mechanism. Qualitative permanent establishment and clear function allocation, standardize operation mechanism, provide standardized service, realize seamless docking; third, strengthen the service consciousness of personnel, improve the quality of service for the public, create the window of service-oriented government, At the same time, it also provides services for government decision-making and management, that is, to enhance the analytical ability of big data; fourth, to attach importance to the advancement of technological level, to break down technical obstacles, and to truly realize the "one-stop" and "one-stop" mode of government affairs. For this reason, It is necessary not only to develop and innovate technology, but also to strengthen the technical training of service personnel. Fifth, we should strengthen incentives and supervision, pay attention to examination and internal and external supervision, and stimulate the enthusiasm of service center personnel. To ensure the healthy operation of service work. The operation practice of administrative service center in Henan Province is an important attempt to cooperate with the whole government, and is also an indispensable link to construct a public service-oriented government. The research carried out in this paper is destined to have positive significance.


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