本文选题:行政审批 切入点:流程再造 出处:《中共陕西省委党校》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As the most widely distributed and most numerous administrative organs in the administrative hierarchy in China, local governments undertake the most onerous tasks of economic construction and social development in their respective regions, and the most important responsibilities are to ensure the provision of public services and products. Most closely related to the daily life of ordinary people; at the administrative level, it is at the foundation of the entire administrative structure of the State and plays a pillar role... This determines that any reform involving local governments will have a great impact on the overall situation of national development. This paper chooses the reform of the administrative examination and approval system of local governments as the research theme, and cuts into the theoretical perspective of process reengineering. It is mainly based on three reasons: first, the important position of the local government and its heavy administrative examination and approval task; second, the important significance of the administrative approval process reengineering and its theoretical characteristics of closely linking theory with practice; Thirdly, the thought and theory of process reengineering can provide useful reference for deepening the reform of local government's administrative examination and approval system. At present, when our local government carries out administrative examination and approval, the efficiency of administrative examination and approval is relatively low due to the existence of administrative examination and approval process. The lack of transparency in the process of administrative examination and approval, the lack of legal protection for the development of government affairs centers, and the low level of electronic administration of administrative approval make the process of administrative examination and approval of local governments show great drawbacks. As far as its characteristics are concerned, It can be summed up as "four noes", that is, unruly, unscientific, imperfect and opaque. In view of the above problems, this paper, with the help of the idea of process reengineering, extends the concept of administrative approval process. Construct the concept of "big process" of administrative examination and approval, and make the basic conclusion of reengineering the mode and procedure of local government's administrative examination and approval process, so as to promote the reengineering of local government's administrative examination and approval process deeply. It must combine the strength of information technology, which is the trend of the future development. The emergence of e-government has proved this judgment. E-government has realized the deep fusion of virtual and realistic, and has laid the foundation for the implementation of E-government in administrative examination and approval. Therefore, in order to accord with the reform direction of E-government in administrative examination and approval, this paper puts forward the implementation of full-process e-government administrative approval. There are two practical operation models of mixed E-government administrative examination and approval: one is to promote mechanism innovation by means of science and technology, the other is to strengthen service consciousness by means of science and technology. In short, from the research logic, this paper tries to analyze the causes of the above problems from the macro perspective, the mesoscopic approach and the micro analysis method. Starting with the platform carrier, this paper sums up the ways for local governments to promote the "three ones" of administrative approval process reengineering, and puts forward a forward-looking and strong model proposal for e-government administrative approval.
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