本文选题:社会融入 切入点:居住时间 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 brought huge losses to people. According to the data of the Seismological Bureau of China, The earthquake has a surface wave magnitude of 8.0 Msand a moment magnitude of 8.3 Mw.The damaged area is more than 100000 square kilometers. The earthquake intensity may reach 11. The quake killed 69227 people and injured 374,643 others, leaving 17,923 people missing. It is the most destructive earthquake since the founding of New China, and the deadliest one after the Tangshan earthquake. After the earthquake, the state and governments at all levels actively carried out post-earthquake reconstruction. An important task for the reconstruction of the country and the governments at all levels after the earthquake is to relocate and resettle migrants. There are mainly three ways for the government to relocate migrants: that is, to move closer to the rear. Centralized and decentralized relocation. In these three types of relocation, migrants who move centrally and separately will face significantly different conditions of production, lifestyles and cultural practices after relocation. So they reject it in a negative way? Or do you take a positive approach to accepting, adapting and integrating into the life of your new residence? Is one of the issues of concern to the academic community and governments at all levels, because it is not only related to whether disaster migrants can settle down in their new places of residence, but also to the stability and unity of the country. In response to this problem, Guided by Bourdieu's field and habit theory, as well as the related viewpoints of "I centrism" and "cultural relativism", Through the statistical analysis of the survey data of a village in Luojiang County, Deyang City, Sichuan Province, and Nanbaoshan settlement in Qionglai City, Sichuan Province, the relevant conclusions are drawn as follows: first, the degree of social integration of immigrants has nothing to do with the length of living time in their new residence; Second, the degree of social integration of migrants who adopt the method of dispersed migration is higher than that of those who adopt the mode of centralized migration; third, the degree of integration of immigrants' cultural practices is directly proportional to the degree of social integration. That is, the higher the degree of integration of immigrants' cultural customs, the higher the degree of social integration; fourth, the lower the degree of social integration among immigrants of different nationalities, the lower the degree of social integration of Han immigrants. This is mainly based on the survey data of Qiang and Han immigrants from Nanbaoshan migrants' settlement in Qionglai City, Sichuan Province. It mainly selects languages that can express the main characteristics of ethnic groups. In addition to analyzing the relevant data through mathematical statistics, it also puts forward some policy suggestions and some aspects that need to be improved in the future research. In order to make the society of disaster migrants integrate into this topic, which is widely concerned by all parties, it is more deeply studied and solved, so that the disaster migrants can live happily in the new place of residence, so as to better realize the stability and harmony of the country.
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