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发布时间:2018-03-28 08:53

  本文选题:海洋社会组织 切入点:职能转移 出处:《中国海洋大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The 21st century is the century of the ocean, the competition of the international marine rights and interests is intensifying day by day, the demand for the protection of the citizen's marine rights and interests is increasingly strong, the change of the mode of sustainable development of the marine economy and society is increasingly prominent, in order to deal with the increasingly complex marine environment, The government is also constantly improving the ways and means of national ocean management. At the same time, the marine social organizations in our country are booming along with the growth of the public's desire to participate in ocean management. A large number of marine social organizations represented by the Blue Ribbon Conservation Association are playing an active role in various areas of marine life, since marine social organizations have a broader base of popular participation. They are often able to play a more effective role in providing marine public services to maritime citizens than direct government ocean management, and they are raising public awareness of the oceans, Safeguarding the rights and interests of the international oceans also reflects a strong influence. Therefore, in certain areas, such as the construction of marine think tanks, the protection of the marine environment, the promotion of marine science, and so on, Government departments are gradually transferring the functions of ocean management to marine social organizations. This paper examines the interaction between the Chinese Ocean Society and the Pacific Society of China and the government. This paper summarizes three modes of marine social organizations in undertaking the transfer of government functions: partnership model, service substitution model and supplementary model. This paper analyzes all kinds of problems existing in the current transfer of functions, including not only the immaturity of the environmental basis of the transfer mode, but also the singularity and lack of adaptability in the selection of the transfer mode. It also includes the unscientific operation of the model due to the lack of competition in the operation of the model, supervision, weak foundation of trust and inefficient provision of social organizations, etc. On the basis of an analysis of various problems and their causes, In order to perfect the mode of social organization to undertake the transfer of government functions and promote their cooperation to provide better marine public goods and services, this paper attempts to standardize the process of function transfer. In order to promote the development of marine social organizations themselves and enrich the practical operation experience of the transfer model, the paper puts forward the corresponding ways to solve the problem: first, to further promote the institutionalization process of the transfer of marine management functions, Regulate the conduct of governments and marine social organizations and establish appropriate interactive treaties. Second, promote the continuous improvement of the professionalism, independence and credibility of marine social organizations themselves. Finally, by choosing the appropriate transfer model, Establishing organizational trust, paying attention to risk avoidance and other strategies to optimize the micro-operation, in order to achieve the further improvement of the mode of marine social organization to undertake the transfer of government functions.


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