本文选题:贵州民族地区 切入点:社会安全突发事件 出处:《贵州民族大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The study of public opinion guidance in minority areas is one of the hot issues in China in recent years. Guizhou, as a minority province with 49 ethnic minority elements of the 55 ethnic minorities in the country, Over the years, social security emergencies have occurred frequently in ethnic minority areas, with various characteristics such as violence, complexity, sensitivity, collectivity, and so on, which are the key objects in the work of maintaining stability of public opinion. This paper combines the characteristics of the discipline of news communication and the discipline of ethnic groups. Based on the combination of social security emergencies and public opinion guidance in Guizhou ethnic areas, the mass opinion monitoring system is used for quantitative analysis, and the Bijie Children's case, which has a large influence, is selected as the case of communication analysis. Through the analysis of the current situation and methods of public opinion guidance in Guizhou, In the view of new media, this paper studies the mechanism of public opinion guidance in social security emergencies in Guizhou ethnic areas. Social security emergencies as an important factor affecting social stability and public security. For the vital interests of the public and the prosperity and development of the country, If the subject of the matter is a minority nationality, it is more sensitive and special than other public opinion events in other regions. This paper starts from destroying its soil and choking off its germination. Cutting the branches and leaves of the three levels of public opinion guidance in Guizhou ethnic areas social security emergencies to carry out relevant guidance and regulation suggestions, grasp the new media reform brought about by the change of public opinion guidance mechanism, from the public opinion collection analysis, public opinion communication planning, The form of media information communication feedback discusses the mechanism of public opinion guidance. The study of public opinion guidance in social security emergency news events in our province is conducive to strengthening early warning and reducing the occurrence of social security emergencies and to avoid secondary injury. Reduce its loss and improve the image of communication.
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