本文选题:信访功能 切入点:信访分类 出处:《东北师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The existence of petition system, to some extent, meets the needs of resolving the social contradictions in the transition period.However, "small letters and visits, big problems", both in theory and in practice, letters and visits are a challenging problem.In order to solve this problem, the decision of the CPC Central Committee on comprehensively promoting the ruling of the country according to Law, in the fourth section of Chapter V, puts forward a special proposal to bring letters and visits into the track of legalization.But "bringing the petition into the rule of law" does not mean that all the petition problems are simply ruled by law.As a matter of fact, in the face of the ambiguity of the scope of accepting letters and visits and the boundary of their duties, the organs of letters and visits are gradually taking the mediation and diversion according to law as the countermeasures.In view of this, based on a certain understanding of the actual functions of letters and visits, this paper divides the existing letter and visit cases into legal types, and the cross-type of government affairs and politics and law is of more practical significance.The reform of the petition system should be based on the classification of these three types of letters and visits, that is, the legal type of petition must be ruled by law, the administrative department should strictly abide by the procedure of the rule of law, rather than the entity of the rule of law, and the reform of the system of letters and visits should be based on the classification of the three types of letters and visits.Because of its dual nature of politics and law, it is appropriate to adopt the method of comprehensive policy to make it institutionalized, standardized and programmed.
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