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发布时间:2018-04-20 23:23

  本文选题:江北区 + 社会治理 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the deepening of reform and opening up, and the rapid development of economy and society, many new situations and new problems have emerged, which put forward new and higher requirements for social governance. Grass-roots is the cornerstone of social stability, the effectiveness of grass-roots social governance is directly related to the long-term stability of the country. Grid management should be born, and under the leadership of the government to actively promote the implementation. Of course, grid management can not cure all kinds of diseases, there are still a series of problems such as extending administrative level, paying too much attention to form, lack of grass-roots response, and so on, which need to be constantly studied and improved. On the basis of the original research, combined with the theory of social governance and the relevant research results of social grid management at the grass-roots level, this paper studies the current situation of carrying out social grid management at the grass-roots level in Jiangbei District of Ningbo City, and analyzes the main methods and characteristics. The existing problems are studied deeply, and the practical experience of implementing social grid management at the grass-roots level in Changning District of Shanghai, Yuelu District of Wuhan City and Nanhai District of Foshan City is compared and analyzed. The countermeasures and suggestions for optimizing and improving social grid management at the basic level in Jiangbei District are put forward. The main innovation of this paper is to reveal the inherent defects in the grid management of the basic social in Jiangbei District at the institutional level, and to provide practical experience for reference. Through case study, combining with the actual needs of social governance in Jiangbei District, the research ideas and optimized paths are broadened. Because the research time is limited, the research scope is not wide enough, the research focus is mainly on the pilot streets, and the comparative study on the whole area of the north of the Yangtze River is not enough, therefore, there may still be problems in the universality of the countermeasures and suggestions. Need to be further improved in practice.


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