本文选题:甘肃 + 制度运行 ; 参考:《甘肃农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The system of petition should be defined as "the auxiliary political system under the constitutional system", strengthen the functions of dispute mediation and power relief, weaken the function of power supervision, integrate and simplify the organization, and carry out the duty power. To change the way of public opinion to express public opinion, to dredge the channels of petition and visit, not to accept the cases involving law, petition and petition, and to let people be responsible only for drafting relevant laws and regulations, providing theoretical support, not accepting visits, and not interfering with the independence of the judiciary. This article starts with the present situation and development course of the petition system in Gansu Province, relying on the data analysis and the precious case file of the past five years, and has a relatively objective and in-depth understanding of the operation of the petition system in Gansu Province. Combined with the development of the petition system in China, it is considered that the political system with Chinese characteristics is reasonable and in line with the situation of our country. The first chapter through the current academic research on the system of letters and visits in our country, evaluation and stand and views have been sorted out and classified, summed up the abolitionist school, strengthen the school, replace the respective views of the school. In the second chapter, the author makes a detailed discussion on how to operate the petition system in Gansu Province. Taking data as the core, the author has a profound understanding of Gansu's petition and visits, and finds out the more characteristic working mode. The third chapter, relying on the more typical cases in the case file as the main narrative point, the development of Gansu letters and visits in the process of the difficulties and the problems began to appear one by one made a detailed introduction. The fourth chapter provides reference points for the reform and development of the petition system in Gansu Province by combining the excellent practices and experiences in the relevant systems at home and abroad. The focus of this paper is to classify the outstanding problems in the operation of the petition system in Gansu Province, and to discuss the two opposing perspectives of the petition department and the petitioners (groups). Based on the problems arising in the operation of the petition system in Gansu Province and the related systems at home and abroad, this paper tries to put forward some feasible suggestions for the development of the petition system in China.
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