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发布时间:2018-05-15 18:35

  本文选题:绩效考核 + 公务员 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At present, the assessment of civil servants mainly depends on the guidance of the Civil servants Law of the people's Republic of China and the regulations on the Assessment of Civil servants (try out). However, there are two main problems in the current assessment indicators: first, they do not aim at "morality, ability," Second, the existing research on the detailed index of the five elements, and the related degree of assessing the performance of the civil servant work has been questioned. This research mainly adopts literature analysis, questionnaire survey, expert consultation, interview and statistical analysis. On the basis of literature analysis and expert consultation, the "expert consultation Table", which is constructed by the index system of civil servants' assessment, is compiled. Through the statistical analysis of the experts' scores, the following two research conclusions: 1) through the compilation of the expert consultation table, Based on the statistical analysis of the data, the Delphi expert survey method is used to evaluate the importance of the indicators to be selected, as well as the correlation degree related to the performance of the civil servants, on the basis of the comprehensive experts' evaluation of the importance of the indicators to be selected. Finally, the final index system of civil servant assessment is obtained. Germany: organizational discipline, fair and just, love the job, honest and trustworthy; can: executive ability, problem-solving ability, ability to administer according to law, professional knowledge skills, communication and coordination ability, unity and cooperation ability, public service ability; Diligent: work responsibility, work enthusiasm, work initiative, realistic; achievements: mass satisfaction, routine and temporary work completed quality, work speed, work effectiveness; honesty: clean and political, impartial, self-discipline, Combining Delphi's expert investigation method with Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), using various statistical analysis methods, the expert's evaluation is statistically analyzed, and the data is processed strictly according to the calculating steps of AHP (Analytic hierarchy process). Finally, the weight of "morality, ability, diligence, achievement and integrity" is obtained, as well as the weight of secondary index subordinate to the target level. In the course of the research, the consistency ratio CR0.1of the judging data is verified by the consistency test of single sort and the consistency test of total sort, which has good consistency, and ensures the scientific and effective of the research results.


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