本文选题:北辰区 + 基层公务员 ; 参考:《天津师范大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:国家公务员是国家重要的人才资源,公务员的素质直接影响着国家的行政水平,基层公务员作为我国公务员队伍的重要组成部分,肩负着转变基层政府管理职能、提高基层政府行政效率的重任。经济社会的快速发展和科学技术的日新月异,不仅对政府的行政效能提出了要求,也对政府公务人员的素质也提出了新的更高要求。基层公务员亦是如此。 北辰区地处天津市市中心的北部,承担着“美丽天津示范区、绿色产业创新区、北部中心活力区”的发展定位,市委、市政府赋予了北辰区更大的自主权,对北辰区全面建设提出了新的更高要求,北辰区的快速发展面临着前所未有的机遇和更加广阔的空间。北辰区的发展离不开各条战线的广大工作人员,特别是与群众直接打交道的广大基层公务员,基层公务员素质是否全面,能力是否过硬,作风是否扎实,不仅关系到公务员整支队伍的形象,而且还关系到本区经济社会发展的历史问题。因此,要把北辰区基层公务员培训工作摆在更加突出的位置上,积极推动基层公务员知识结构调整和综合素质提升,努力提高党和政府在促发展、保稳定和强民生等方面的能力。 结合当前天津市北辰区基层公务员培训现状,运用行政管理的相关理论,通过问卷调查的方法,分析出北辰区基层公务员培训在培训内容、培训形式、培训评估等方面存在着问题,并剖析出是培训理念、培训师资、培训基地等方面的原因而引发的培训问题,并提出了完善基层公务员培训的对策建议,主要有:更新基层公务员的培训理念,提高培训工作的法律法规保障,创新培训管理体制,科学设定培训内容、选择合适的培训方式并完善培训评估与激励机制等,都给予合理有针对性的建议。
[Abstract]:National civil servant is an important talent resource of the country. The quality of civil servant directly affects the administrative level of the country. As an important part of our civil servant team, the grass-roots civil servant shoulders the responsibility of transforming the management function of the grass-roots government. The important task of improving the administrative efficiency of grass-roots governments. With the rapid development of economy and society and the rapid development of science and technology, not only the administrative efficiency of the government has been required, but also the quality of the government officials has been put forward new and higher requirements. The same is true of civil servants at the grassroots level. Beichen District is located in the north of the city center of Tianjin. It is responsible for the development orientation of "beautiful Tianjin demonstration area, green industry innovation zone, northern central vitality zone". The municipal party committee and municipal government have given Beichen district greater autonomy. New and higher requirements have been put forward for the comprehensive construction of Beichen District, and the rapid development of Beichen District is facing unprecedented opportunities and wider space. The development of Beichen District can not be separated from the vast number of workers on various fronts, especially the vast number of grass-roots civil servants who have direct contact with the masses. Is the quality of grass-roots civil servants comprehensive, their abilities excellent, and their work style solid? It is not only related to the image of the whole team of civil servants, but also related to the historical problems of the economic and social development of the district. Therefore, it is necessary to put the training work of grass-roots civil servants in Beichen District in a more prominent position, actively promote the readjustment of the knowledge structure and the overall quality of grass-roots civil servants, and strive to improve the development of the party and the government. Ability to maintain stability and strengthen people's livelihood. Combined with the current training situation of grass-roots civil servants in Beichen District of Tianjin City, using the relevant theory of administration and management, through the method of questionnaire, the paper analyzes the training contents and forms of training of grass-roots civil servants in Beichen District. There are some problems in training evaluation, such as training concept, training teachers, training base and so on. The paper also puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to improve the training of grass-roots civil servants, such as training concept, training teachers, training base and so on, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to improve the training of grass-roots civil servants. It mainly includes: updating the training concept of grass-roots civil servants, improving the protection of laws and regulations for training, innovating the training management system, scientifically setting the training content, selecting appropriate training methods and perfecting the training evaluation and incentive mechanism, etc. To give reasonable and targeted advice.
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