本文选题:美国 + 华人研究 ; 参考:《华侨华人历史研究》2016年01期
[Abstract]:From the perspective of the political participation of Chinese Americans in the United States, the paper uses the case of the actions of American Chinese protesting against ABC's insulting remarks by American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in 2013. This paper discusses the effectiveness and necessity of non-election political participation for contemporary Chinese Americans. Considering that the main ways for contemporary Chinese Americans to participate in non-election politics are personal contacts, lobbying, legal proceedings, boycotts, non-cooperation, participation in political organizations, use of mass media for political expression, marches, demonstrations, protests, petitions, and so on. It has the characteristics of short time of initiation and quick effect of action. These methods of political participation can enhance the cohesion of Chinese Americans, enhance their sense of ethnicity, rights protection and participation in politics, and complement their participation in election politics. In the future, Chinese Americans in the United States should continue to take a pluralistic path to participate in political affairs and, while actively participating in election politics, attach importance to non-election political participation in order to influence government decisions at all levels of the United States and the redistribution of community welfare, and to oppose racial discrimination. To safeguard and enhance the legitimate rights and dignity of Chinese in the United States, to enhance the effectiveness of Chinese participation in politics, and to prevent the recurrence of incidents of insulting China, anti-China and anti-Chinese exclusion.
【作者单位】: 华南师范大学政治与行政学院;
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