本文选题:党的民族政策 + 延边朝鲜族社会 ; 参考:《延边大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Ethnic issues are related to national sovereignty and territorial integrity, social harmony and stability, and peace and happiness of the people. The Party's national theory and policy are related to the vital interests of ethnic minorities, even to the existence of the Party's life and death and the future and destiny of the country. Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has been actively exploring the way to develop solutions to China's ethnic problems, as the leading core of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese Communist Party's national policy plays a vital role in the smooth development of national work and is the key force for safeguarding national equality, unity and common prosperity. It is related to whether China can walk out a national development road with Chinese characteristics. As an important member of the Chinese nation, Yanbian Korean nationality has played an important role in the development of the Chinese nation. With the new changes taking place in the national conditions of the world and the new problems encountered in the development of all ethnic groups, we need to be guided by Marxist national theory. In light of the actual situation of our national work and the historical experience of ethnic work in history, we should solve our national problems and further promote the realization of equality, unity and common prosperity among all ethnic groups on the basis of the system of regional national autonomy. Promoting the people of all nationalities to make concerted efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, so this paper studies the influence of the party's national policy on the social and cultural development of the Korean nationality in Yanbian, In order to clarify the history and present situation of Yanbian Korean social and cultural development under the national regional autonomy, to correctly interpret and scientifically grasp the Party's national policy, and to further enrich the socialist national theory with Chinese characteristics, Promoting social and cultural development in ethnic minority areas and accumulating useful experience. First of all, the historical process of the formation of Yanbian Korean society and culture is studied. This paper concretely analyzes the historical process of the formation of Yanbian Korean society, the development course and characteristics of social culture, and analyzes the social development of Yanbian Korean nationality in different historical periods in order to deepen the understanding of Yanbian Korean society. Secondly, analyze the historical evolution of the connotation of the Party's national policy in different periods. It respectively expounds the national policy of the Party during the period of the new democratic revolution, the period of socialist construction and the reform and opening up, and expounds the historical development and change process of the party's national policy. To clarify the CPC's attitude and policy towards ethnic minorities in all historical periods. Thirdly, the influence of the party's national policy on the development of Korean society and culture in Yanbian is analyzed. This paper expounds the role of the Party's national theory and policy in promoting national politics, economy and culture in different historical periods, and analyzes the theory and practical experience of national work, in order to promote the development and innovation of Marxist national theory. And guide us to walk out a national development road in accordance with China's national conditions and Chinese characteristics to provide the theoretical basis.
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