本文选题:乌鲁木齐 + 多民族社区 ; 参考:《新疆师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of society, China has reached the accelerating period of urbanization process. With the emergence of social and ethnic problems, the community has become the focus of national problems and social problems in the new period. This reflects the urgent need for multi-ethnic communities in modern society to help the Party and the government to solve ethnic contradictions, solve ethnic problems, and build harmonious ethnic relations. It is very important for our country to establish harmonious national relations. Because the research of community work started relatively late, although our country has already obtained some research results, but the practice of social work is still relatively few, especially the multi-ethnic community ethnic work compared with the ordinary community. The former has a unique cultural and diverse particularity, more challenging than ordinary community work. Because of its particularity, it is very important to study the construction of harmonious national relations. As an important part of social construction, the construction of urban multi-ethnic community plays a very important role in urban residents. Its steady development has a direct influence on the stability and prosperity of the city. How to do the national work of many ethnic communities and how to build a lot of ethnic communities is an important problem that needs to be solved urgently. In recent years, with the acceleration of the urbanization process after the reform and opening up, more and more ethnic minorities in remote ethnic areas began to flock to large cities, scattered in every corner of the city together with the various nationalities in the city, and over time, A regional society with ethnic multiculturalism and national characteristics is formed, and thus a multi-ethnic community is derived. The emergence of multi-ethnic communities in cities is an important symbol of social development, but it also makes the national relations in cities sensitive and complex. This paper attempts to put the construction of urban multi-ethnic community under the background of social construction from the angle of Marxist national theory, and applies the methods of literature research, questionnaire survey and interview, as well as the relevant theoretical research of multi-ethnic community. On the basis of the investigation of the Bahar Road Community and the Baoshan Road West Community, and on the basis of the investigation of the interaction among the residents of the various ethnic communities, we have carried out a mapping survey on the ethnic work of the multi-ethnic communities in recent years. Thus, the difficulties and emphases of ethnic work and the bottleneck encountered are obtained, and the role of multi-ethnic communities in the development of ethnic relations in Urumqi is discussed. Finally, on the basis of analyzing the problems existing in the ethnic work of multi-ethnic communities, some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.
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