本文选题:涉诉信访 + 终结机制 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:For a long time, the number of cases involving complaints, letters and visits has increased unabated, coupled with the "fear of visits" and the "tranquillity of peace" at all levels, which often pay a high price. This not only contributes to the confidence of some of the petitioners, It also weakens the judicial authority, and "trial without conclusion" has become a cancer threatening the final judicial system. Therefore, it is necessary to reform and innovate the system of termination of complaint letters and visits in order to curb the phenomenon of unwarranted and endless interference with the independence of the trial and the waste of judicial resources. It is an urgent and realistic choice to construct the termination mechanism of petition. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction part, mainly introduces the origin, the purpose significance, and the domestic and foreign research present situation, finally carries on the introduction to this article research thought and the application method. In the second chapter, the author distinguishes the concepts of petition and petition, and emphasizes the particularity of petition. On the basis of defining the concept of complaint petition, this paper puts forward the concept, characteristics, theoretical analysis and judicial practice of the mechanism. Through the theoretical analysis and the summary of judicial practice, the author further understands the reasons why it is difficult to construct the termination mechanism of petition. The third chapter mainly discusses the significance of the establishment of the system. First of all, the establishment of the appeal petition termination mechanism is conducive to the regulation of litigant action; secondly, the establishment of the appeal petition termination mechanism is conducive to the establishment of judicial authority, to ensure the finality of the court decision; third, The establishment of the termination mechanism is conducive to the maintenance of social stability. The fourth chapter is the focus of this paper, mainly discusses the specific concept of the termination mechanism of civil litigation petition. Due to the lack of clear provisions of the law, we have not yet formed a set of effective termination mechanism, and the means of termination are varied all over the country. On the basis of drawing lessons from the existing practical experience, this paper first puts forward that the subject of the termination of the petition should be defined, and then the standard of the termination of the case should be defined, including the scope element, the substantive element and the procedural element. Finally, combined with the existing experience, this paper puts forward the process design of the termination mechanism of complaint petition. There are three cases: the basic court as the original trial court, the intermediate people's court as the original trial court, the superior court and the supreme court as the original trial court. At the end of the article, it is suggested to perfect the construction of supporting system while establishing the termination mechanism of petition. The system of termination of petition is not an isolated system, but must have other means to cooperate, so that it can really play its role. Therefore, in order to eliminate the abnormal complaint petition and guide the public to treat their rights rationally, it is necessary to perfect the supporting system of the termination mechanism. For example, the examination system, the hearing system, the filing system, the accountability system, the perfection of the judicial aid system, etc.
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