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发布时间:2018-07-11 12:58

  本文选题:邻避冲突 + 邻避设施 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of economic development and social progress, more and more people begin to put forward higher requirements for their living environment, begin to pay attention to and take measures to protect their legitimate rights and interests. Especially since entering the 21st century, with the acceleration of the new urbanization process, urban space pollution can not be effectively prevented and controlled, and the environmental deterioration has made residents' calls for changing the living environment constantly rising. The government, It is difficult for enterprises and residents to reach a consensus on some living environment issues. Sometimes it even leads to different levels of conflict. The conflict event develops to a certain degree and the scale then produces "neighbor avoids the conflict". The problem of neighborhood conflict avoidance is not only an environmental problem, but also a huge constraint factor in the process of urban development. At the same time, the emergence of neighbor avoidance problem brings new challenges to the practice of government governance in our country. From the reality of the current urbanization process in our country, we should look for the breakthrough point of theory, analyze the factors of the formation of conflict avoidance from a new perspective, and deeply study its influencing factors. Finally, it is important to find an effective way to avoid conflict. Therefore, we should further clarify the "adjacent avoidance" of adjacent facilities and the problem of adjacent avoidance, explore the theoretical background and practical difficulties behind it, find out the practical ways to solve the problem of adjacent avoidance, and ultimately promote the stability, health and sustainable development of the city. To provide more welfare facilities for the public is the main purpose of this paper. On the basis of defining the meaning of adjacent avoidance, this paper further analyzes the causes and influencing factors of adjacent avoidance, and holds that it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the government's credibility and perfect the laws and regulations for the construction of adjacent avoidance facilities. Establish adjacent facilities to compensate for loss of benefits and other aspects of governance.


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