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发布时间:2018-08-10 17:54
[Abstract]:With the development of the Internet era, the construction of government portal websites has been accelerated, from the traditional unilateral release of information to online communication and interaction, the direction of real-time government affairs is constantly changing, and the connotation and method of "network asking for political affairs" is constantly expanded. Under the guidance of the new public service theory, the government function changes gradually from management to service and pays more attention to social public interest and satisfaction. The effective evaluation of the interaction degree between the government and the public can help the government to understand the attitude of the public to the interactive process and result, and to promote the improvement of the quality of government service and the development of e-government. This paper reviews the emergence and evolution of the new public service theory in detail, and analyzes the development of e-government in our country according to the concept connotation of interactivity, combining with the current situation of government function transformation in our country. Referring to the evaluation dimension in the four-stage model of e-government, this paper constructs an interactive evaluation system for government portals in the context of e-government, which includes: "Information release, interactive communication," Integration of relevance "three aspects of a more comprehensive evaluation of the government portal government and people interaction, and through the management experiment, the selected research samples for experimental analysis, The practicability and reliability of the evaluation system are proved. At the same time, it is found that the interaction function is not perfect and the communication between the government departments is not enough. Based on this, some suggestions are put forward. Therefore, it is hoped that it can provide a true and effective basis for the construction of government portals, and provide a strong support for its further improvement and full play of interactive functions. The theoretical analysis and experiments show that the evaluation index system of the degree of interaction between the government and the people is feasible and credible under the condition of the government portal, and it has some enlightenment and help for the government to improve the quality of service and the way of communication and interaction with the public. However, due to the constraints and conditions of various factors and the limited level of the author himself, there are inevitably many deficiencies in the study, which will be made up for and perfected in the future in-depth research. The evaluation index system of the degree of interaction between government and people can be more in line with the characteristics of government portal, more comprehensive and scientific. If there is any deficiency in the article, please criticize and correct it.


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