[Abstract]:The construction of corporate governance structure is the inevitable choice for the development of our country's institutions. In combination with the problems that appear in the pilot work, taking the Palace Museum as an example, relying on the principal-agent theory and the development status quo of the Palace Museum, this paper analyzes the development of the Palace Museum. Looking for the obstacles of the Palace Museum in the development of corporate governance structure of public institutions. On the one hand, the absence and hindrance of the external environment make the reform environment difficult. On the other hand, the restriction of internal factor, also let reform face numerous obstacles. In the face of the existing problems, put forward two policy recommendations: first, the specific content of the reform proposals. Aiming at the current situation which can not be relied upon, the paper puts forward to perfect the top-level design and promote the legislative process. To strengthen the public property, we should deepen the public participation and ensure the public property. This paper expounds the principle of separation of powers which should be established by the components of the structure of corporate governance, and analyzes the power structure of the three internal institutions according to the principle of separation of powers of the components. The original dual principal-agent relationship is further straightened out, and the positioning of the participants is clarified. Second, the implementation of the reform proposals. The first is the adjustment of the governance structure, forming the framework of corporate governance structure. Secondly, it is necessary to implement public participation. On the one hand, the participation of the public has enlarged the main body of interests within the Council, and the public can directly participate in the decision-making of the Council, which is conducive to the promotion of democratization of decision-making. It also helps to ensure the commonweal attributes of institutions. Finally, the government exit is the focus of the construction of corporate governance structure. The structure of corporate governance is not perfect in itself, but under the background of the reform of institutions in our country, the development of corporate governance structure is the best way for the reform of public institutions.
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