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发布时间:2018-08-30 09:10
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social economy and the gradual awakening of the democratic consciousness of the public, the degree of government action affecting the social operation is becoming higher and higher. As a guarantee of the public's right to know, the government affairs are made public. The main means of unblocking communication channels between the public and government institutions have played a more and more important role in the process of social harmonious development. Under the background of the explosion of social information and the quickening pace of social life, the form of open government affairs has played an important role in promoting the work of government affairs openness. How to make the open information of government affairs comprehensive, true and fast, Timely communication to the public is the top priority of the current work of open government affairs. After many years of exploration and development, the government website has its own advantages in many aspects, such as timeliness, convenience, interactivity, low cost and so on. First, as a carrier of information released by government agencies, government websites can maximize the comprehensiveness, authenticity and authoritativeness of information; secondly, government websites ignore the characteristics of space and time. Can maximize the coverage of open government; third, the government website can achieve classified collection of information, mass storage, easy to use and retrieval, can use statistical analysis data to promote the work of open government; fourth, The unique real-time and interactive characteristics of the government website make it the most ideal form to realize the openness according to the application, and provide a convenient channel for the public to carry out effective social supervision on the public affairs publicity. Based on the analysis and development of government affairs openness and government website, this paper analyzes the demand of government affairs openness and the characteristics of government website, and expounds in detail the outstanding advantages of government website compared with other forms of open government affairs. This paper draws the conclusion that the government website is becoming the main channel of open government affairs, and puts forward the countermeasures of how to maximize the function of the government website in the government affairs publicity by combining with the theory of government governance: to weaken the digital divide. It is necessary to speed up the construction of information infrastructure, strengthen the efforts of information poverty alleviation, provide opportunities for education and training, and carry out the construction of rural electronic communities; and in the area of standardizing the construction of websites themselves, we must improve the operation and management system of government websites. To integrate and coordinate government information resources, strengthen the construction of mobile client government websites, and coordinate social forces to strengthen security precautions; in order to enhance the public's understanding of government websites, it is necessary to do things online and make them open according to their applications. To broaden the channels for the public to participate in and discuss political affairs; to fully embody the idea of "taking the public as the center" in order to improve the standards of government affairs openness on government websites; to formulate a standardized open catalogue of government affairs; and to publish website information in a comprehensive, timely, accurate and complete manner. The establishment of user files, the handling of confidentiality and openness, the relationship between government and the public, the relationship between "articles" and "blocks", and the establishment of a supervision system for government websites should be conducted through a sound channel for accepting social supervision. The level of open government affairs is evaluated regularly, and the accountability system is established. Finally, this article hopes that through the above analysis and the suggestion, can further display the government website in the government affairs to open the main channel function, lets our country government affairs open work has the better effect, serves the society better.


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