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发布时间:2018-09-12 18:54
[Abstract]:Since the educational work conference in 1999, the scale of running colleges and universities in our country has been expanding, and the number of college graduates has increased year by year. As an important part of the higher education system, private colleges and universities are regarded as an important part of the higher education system, both in terms of quantity and enrollment scale. Both have entered a period of high-speed development. However, in the process of running a private university, there are also many challenges, such as national policy, hardware and software equipment, subject setup and so on, especially the talent training scheme and employment quality problems in private colleges and universities. All become its sustainable development must first solve the problem. Under the background of severe employment environment, because of the disadvantage of private college graduates' own school and educational background, they are facing more pressure than public college graduates in the process of seeking employment. However, the employment problem is not the unilateral work of colleges and universities. The government, as the regulator of the national policy, still needs to be perfected in regulating the market, providing services and formulating policies. In this paper, the author puts the government behavior into the social focus of employment management of private colleges and universities, in order to solve the crux of the employment difficulties of graduates of private colleges and universities, and to improve the behavior of the government in the employment management. Ensure that private college graduates find areas of personal intelligence and talent in the employment force. This paper not only accords with the thinking of public management, but also explains the connotation, classification and function of government behavior from the category of higher education. Through the sampling statistics and reason analysis of the employment situation of private colleges and public universities in Jiangsu Province, the paper probes into the achievements and problems of the government behavior in the employment management of the graduates of private colleges and universities at present. To find the way and method of employment education for the graduates of private colleges and universities at present. In view of these problems and the reasons, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to perfect the government behavior in the employment management of the graduates of private colleges and universities, so as to alleviate the competitive pressure of the laborers in the employment market, to ensure the relative fairness between the private colleges and the graduates of the public colleges and universities, and to build a harmonious relationship. A stable job market for graduates. Finally, it is pointed out that the employment of private college graduates is a long-term and complex problem, which needs unremitting efforts and exploration in order to make private colleges and universities healthy, orderly and sustainable development.


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