[Abstract]:The large group of orphans in our country has been paid more and more attention by the society. At present, the main ways of raising orphans are family foster care and residential care. Residential care also includes child welfare care, social welfare institutions in the care of children, and so on. In order to better help their growth, the community is concerned about their lives, to provide them with material assistance, to carry out various social services for orphans. These social services have different themes and are expected to contribute more comprehensively to the lives of these orphans. For orphans who are centrally supported in child welfare homes, projects in social services on various themes have improved the life skills and social adaptability of orphans in child welfare homes. Protection of mental health and other aspects played a positive role in promoting. However, there are still some problems in these social service projects. Both in terms of project planning, project personnel level, and the use of the internal theory of the project, further research and improvement are needed. To improve the effectiveness of the implementation of the project. The research object of this paper is a social service project for orphans in the children's welfare home. Through the participation of the project, the author combines the qualitative and quantitative research methods, combined with the quasi-experimental evaluation method. This paper evaluates the effect of the project and expects to put forward some positive and feasible countermeasures and suggestions for the improvement of the project effect in view of the advantages and disadvantages of the project implementation.
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