[Abstract]:In the process of leading the proletarian revolutionary movement and criticizing Bakuninism Marx and Engels expounded the thought that social organization and management need authority proletarian revolution and dictatorship need authority centralize authority and democratic autonomy. In the practice of building a new political party and a ruling party, Lenin expounded the establishment of party authority, adherence to centralization and unity, safeguarding the authority of leaders and opposing tailism, strengthening the authority of the central authorities and opposing factional activities, and strengthening the authority of discipline. The idea of carrying out the Party's resolutions. The thoughts and practices of the classical writers on maintaining the central authority have important practical guiding significance for strengthening and standardizing the political life within the party and maintaining the central authority at present.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学社会主义意识形态研究中心;南京师范大学东方社会主义研究所;
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