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发布时间:2018-11-07 19:05
[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of market demand and the increasing number of public examination training institutions, the civil servant examination and training market is developing at a relatively fast speed, occupying a huge market share of the education and training market in China. Along with the "public examination fever", there is not only fierce competition among training institutions in the training market for civil servants, but also the problem of information asymmetry in the course of operation. These information asymmetry problems lead to market disorder and moral hazard, and endanger the rights and interests of consumers. Therefore, it is necessary for the government to regulate the market. First of all, the paper classifies and arranges the information asymmetry problems in the current civil service examination and training market by using the methods of investigation, interview and other research methods. This paper mainly points out the information asymmetry between training institutions and consumers in this market, such as the over-range operation of training institutions, the high price of training, the uneven quality of training and so on. Secondly, the paper analyzes the causes of asymmetric information in the market from the external and internal reasons of the market, especially points out the absence of government regulation on the market and the lack of self-discipline of the trade association. The excessive pursuit of economic benefits by training institutions paves the way for the following government to implement targeted regulatory strategies for the market; Thirdly, aiming at the problem of information asymmetry and its influence on the civil servant examination and training market, the paper analyzes the necessity of government regulation on the market around solving the market failure, maintaining the market order and realizing the public interest. In order to clarify the status of government regulation; Then, it points out that the government must carry out the regulation behavior according to certain principles, such as legality principle, market principle, consumer-oriented principle and efficiency principle. Finally, under the guidance of the principle of regulation, suggestions are put forward from two aspects of direct regulation and indirect regulation. The direct regulation is manifested in the admission regulation, price regulation and quality regulation of the training institution. The indirect regulation is mainly to strengthen the information system and moral standard construction of the market, to guide the training institution to operate legally and honestly. Through the implementation of a series of regulatory strategies, the problem of information asymmetry in the market can be reduced, and a public examination and training market environment with relatively open information, relatively fair transactions and good market order can be created, thus promoting the realization of public interests.


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