[Abstract]:With the development of our country's economy and society, people's demand for culture is increasing while the material living standard is improved significantly, and they pay more attention to their spiritual and cultural life. Because of the particularity of their identity, working style and lifestyle, migrant workers are unable to enjoy the public cultural services in the places where they are registered, nor have they been incorporated into the urban public cultural service system, so they are in an awkward position of "two regardless." To some extent, it is the "vacuum" zone of public cultural services. Protecting the cultural rights and interests of migrant workers and enriching the spiritual and cultural life of migrant workers will help to improve the quality of migrant workers, promote the process of urbanization in China, achieve the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and promote the construction of a harmonious society. The protection of the cultural rights and interests of migrant workers needs the joint efforts of the government, employment enterprises, social forces and migrant workers, but due to the special position of the government in the national economic and social development, Its cultural rights and interests in migrant workers to assume irreplaceable responsibility.
【作者单位】: 中共黑龙江省委党校社会与文化教研部;
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