[Abstract]:There is a strong correlation between precision poverty alleviation and grassroots governance. Based on the empirical analysis of the resettlement policy, it is found that, no matter whether it is the feeling of fear of hardship and the idea of quick success and instant benefit, whether it is the difficulty of the management of the resettlement community, or the capture and poor governance of the rural elite. Both of them have a certain degree of non-structural constraints on the implementation of accurate poverty reduction policies. This is also an important manifestation of poor grassroots governance, which weakens the expected effectiveness of poverty reduction policies. To promote precision poverty alleviation, we should continuously improve and optimize the rural grass-roots governance system, and vigorously improve the grass-roots governance capacity; In particular, we should focus on innovating grass-roots governance in order to better integrate poverty alleviation resources, more effectively stimulate the endogenous motive force of accurate poverty eradication, and continuously improve the conditions that cause poverty. Only in this way can we solve the problem of non-structural constraints and better promote the precision poverty alleviation, the precision poverty relief, and the improvement of the poverty relief effectiveness.
【作者单位】: 西北农林科技大学农村社会研究中心;中国社会科学院农村发展研究所;陕西省石泉县林业局;
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