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发布时间:2019-03-16 13:20
[Abstract]:The neighborhood conflict is caused by the construction of the neighborhood shelter facilities, and the public is not totally opposed to the neighborhood shelter facilities, but only against the construction of the neighborhood shelter facilities near their homes. For this reason, the residents in the vicinity of the site of the facilities are United to jointly promote the relocation of the neighborhood shelter facilities. In this process, the group conflict may be caused, which will lead to the occurrence of the neighborhood conflict. The development process of neighborhood avoidance conflict presents a lot of characteristics, including the rationality of neighborhood avoidance demand, and the protest behavior usually leads to irrationality, and the resistance process is usually accompanied by the spread of rumors. In the beginning, governments tend to make covert decisions, and public protests against government decisions usually resort to moral context, etc. The social performance of the neighborhood conflict avoidance is the starting point of the analysis of the problem. The conflict avoidance is not the result of a single effect. It is necessary to analyze the internal factors between the conflict subjects, such as the difference of risk cognition between the two sides of the conflict, the lack of communication channels, the low transparency of government decision-making, and the weak degree of public organization. The influence of the anti-contention report of the media determines the emergence of the neighboring conflict avoidance, while the external environmental factors include the expansion of the openness of the political system, the weak adaptability of the social management system, and the weak ability of social autonomy. Moral cultural thinking habits and so on have intensified the conflict differences caused by the neighborhood avoiding conflict. To solve the conflict avoidance problem, it is necessary to explore the ways to resolve the conflict avoidance from five aspects: system construction, mechanism construction, social governance capacity construction, community autonomy ability training and risk awareness cultivation. As a new form of urban conflict in modern society, the neighborhood conflict not only damages the social stability, deepens the social contradiction, increases the social risk, but also promotes the government's public decision-making to science and democracy from another aspect. Promote the government and the public to protect the environment, promote society to strengthen supervision. Therefore, the effective management of neighboring conflict avoidance will help to build a more stable and harmonious society.


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