[Abstract]:Through comparison, this paper analyzes the concept of government level and administrative level, historical relevance and practical performance, and finds that with the help of the media function at the institutional level, there is a significant linkage effect between the two. This phenomenon can be summarized as "media coupling". " Media coupling not only abstracts the relationship between Chinese government system and civil servants and officials, but also systematically explains the causes of obstruction in the reform of government level and the adjustment of cadre personnel system. Its emergence is closely related to the concept of "unification", "political administration" and the drive of individual interests. The realistic enlightenment from it is that we should seek a breakthrough in reform from the aspects of desalination of "level consciousness", weakening of the media role at the institutional level, and paying attention to integrity and synergy.
【作者单位】: 南开大学周恩来政府管理学院;
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