[Abstract]:The reform of public security letters and visits is a strategic plan for public security organs to practice the strategy of governing the country according to law and promote the legalization of letters and visits work. It is a kind of reform aimed at the existing working mode and mechanism, and it is an important way for public security organs to realize the governance according to law in the work link of letters and visits. According to the unified deployment of political and legal organs at higher levels, Shenyang Public Security Bureau has carried out a lot of practice and exploration on the basis of "separation of complaints and visits", standardizing the handling of letters and visits, and guiding petitioners to file letters and visits step by step, and has achieved positive results, but at the same time, there are also some problems in the aspects of thinking concept, concrete implementation, supporting mechanism, and so on. The separation of complaints and visits did not achieve the desired results. This paper mainly draws lessons from the theoretical point of view of domestic experts and scholars on restricting the function of letter and visit rescue, refers to the reference factors of developed countries on the reform of police complaint mechanism, puts forward the theoretical viewpoint of the target direction of public security letter and visit reform, and selects all the existing stock of letters and visits of Shenyang Public Security Bureau in 2015 as the data, and interviews the responsible persons of the letters and visits department of 15 districts and counties (cities) in Shenyang. A questionnaire was sent to 600 people to investigate the present situation of the letter and visit reform of Shenyang Public Security Bureau, and through the study of the data, the problems existing in the implementation of the letter and visit reform of Shenyang Public Security Bureau were analyzed, and the root causes of the problems existing in the process of letter and visit reform of Shenyang Public Security Bureau were analyzed by means of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. At the same time, the feasibility of the scheme is demonstrated by empirical analysis, and the concrete rationalization suggestions are put forward for the follow-up work. This paper holds that the reform of public security letters and visits has entered the track, and is not a short-term project. However, from the actual operation of Shenyang Public Security Bureau, there are nine problems of resistance and restriction in accepting the starting program, the introduction of law, the operation of supporting mechanism and the measures taken to promote the realization of the goal. The current mechanism is not fully adapted to the actual situation of Shenyang public security organs' letter and visit work, and its problems are mainly due to the vague thinking orientation, the choice of humanization factors and the unfavorable constraints of the external environment. To solve the problem fundamentally, it is necessary to construct a scheme system with standard operating rules as the core, clarify the orientation of letter and visit function, reshape the target direction of "original state", and create a good running environment in advance. At the same time, in the follow-up work, we should reverse the view of political achievements of letters and visits, move down the center of gravity of the reform of letters and visits, improve the operating mechanism and external environment, strengthen the actual operation, refine to the point, and comprehensively improve the operation.
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