[Abstract]:To put the power in the cage of the system and to promote the transformation of the government function is the main focus of the new leadership of the Party Central Committee. At the opening ceremony of the 2014 Tianjin Summer Davos Forum, Premier Li Keqiang made three lists for the construction of the Chinese system: the "power list", the "negative list" and the "List of responsibilities", respectively. With the implementation of the pilot area, the three inventory systems have achieved good results, and from the long-term perspective, it will be moving from some provinces and cities to a nationwide scale. In this paper, three inventory systems are taken as the subject of the study, and the important role of the three inventory systems on the rights and responsibilities of the government is the focus of the research: first, from the power and duty of the government, the theoretical tracing is carried out, and it is found that the power and duty scope of the government must be provided with the boundary. Many problems arise if cross-border or not in place, and in the light of past experience, domestic and foreign reform is still being explored. Based on the above-mentioned analysis, three inventory systems are proposed, and the assumption of the authority and responsibility boundary of the government is proposed; secondly, the three inventory systems are comprehensively reviewed, the meaning, the internal relation and the like of the three inventory systems are set out in the whole, and then the parts are specific, It is concluded that the three inventory systems have the long-term development potential in theory and practice. In combination with the research, we find out the deficiency of the system, and make specific suggestions on the implementation of each list.
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