本文关键词:我国债务可持续性的量化分析 出处:《东北财经大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 债务可持续性 财政反应函数 随机模拟 压力测试
【摘要】:美国次贷危机爆发,世界很多经济体的债务状况令人堪忧。2011年日本的债务率高达200%以上,美国也面临债务上限的挑战,国家债务问题也由此成为后危机时期影响世界经济复苏的主要困扰,引起了广泛关注。在国际金融危机和欧洲债务危机的背景下,分析我国债务的可持续性,合理控制主权债务规模,防控债务风险是十分必要的。对债务问题的研究不仅为应对危机奠定了理论基础,同时也是对凯恩斯国家干预思想的丰富和完善,具有重要的理论意义。 债务可持续性主要研究政府是否具备偿还债务的能力,如果一国政府不具备偿还债务的能力,那么该国的债务是不可持续的,甚至会引发债务危机。国内现有文献对债务可持续性的研究主要是对财政收入和支出进行协整检验,关注财政收支状况的长期稳定性,也有一些文献引入了非线性的方法进行研究。本文在国内外已有文献的研究基础上,将债务负担率直接引入模型对我国债务的可持续性进行量化分析,为政府部门制定相关政策提供参考。 本文主要做了以下几个方面的工作: 1.债务规模可持续性的理论分析 本文基于非庞奇博弈条件、债务有界理论和政府预算约束理论研究了债务可持续需要满足的条件。 2.对债务风险相关指标进行描述性分析 本文对描述债务风险的重要指标,如赤字率、债务负担率、债务依存度等进行分析,通过分析发现我国赤字率和债务负担率均处于安全范围内,债务依存度略高于国际警戒线。目前我国的债务风险较低,爆发主权债务危机的可能性极小 3.估计了我国的财政反应函数 本文基于政府预算约束理论,并考虑了临时性财政收支冲击估计了我国财政反应函数,进而分析我国债务规模的可持续性。分析表明财政反应函数中反馈系数为正,并且略高于现有文献中其他国家的估计值,说明我国基本盈余率随着债务负担率的增加而增加,中央政府有充分考虑到债务负担率的变化而做出相应的调整,存在较强财政调整的能力,并且正的反馈系数不会破坏我国债务的可持续性。 4.采用前瞻性的研究方法考察我国债务的可持续性 一方面,本文在未来不确定性基础上,对过去趋势稳定性的假定,引入债务动态关键变量的随机性,运用蒙特卡罗方法进行随机模拟,预测未来一期的债务水平,并构建衡量债务可持续性的风险指标。通过计算预测2012年我国的中央政府的债务负担率较上年末有下降的趋势,债务负担率超过0.15的概率为15.21%。从2011年开始的三年内,我国的可持续性指标都是大于临界值0.4的,我国债务规模均处于安全范围内,从第四年开始债务负担率存在着较大的上行风险。 另一方面,本文设计了两种危机情景,运用压力测试方法分析在各种危机情景中,债务负担率的变化情况:对实际经济增长率施加冲击后,债务负担率的变化幅度不是很大,而对实际基本盈余率和或有债务实施冲击后,债务负担率突破了30%,达到35.64%,这说明,我国的债务负担率受政府基本盈余率和或有债务的影响较大。
[Abstract]:In the background of the international financial crisis and the European debt crisis , it is very necessary to analyze the sustainability of our debt , control the scale of sovereign debt reasonably and control the debt risk . The debt sustainability is mainly to study whether the government has the ability to repay the debt . If a government does not have the ability to repay the debt , the debt of the country is unsustainable and even causes a debt crisis . This paper mainly focuses on the following aspects : 1 . Theoretical analysis of debt scale sustainability In this paper , the conditions of debt sustainability need to be satisfied are studied based on the non - Poncchi game conditions , the theory of bounded debt and the theory of government budget constraints . 2 . Descriptive analysis of debt risk - related indicators This paper analyzes the important indexes of debt risk , such as deficit rate , debt burden rate , debt dependency and so on . Through analysis , it is found that China ' s deficit rate and debt burden rate are in the safe range , and the debt dependence is slightly higher than the international warning line . At present , our country ' s debt risk is low , and the possibility of the sovereign debt crisis is very small . 3 . The financial response function of our country is estimated Based on the theory of government budget constraint and considering the impact of temporary financial revenue and expenditure on our country ' s financial response function , this paper analyses the sustainability of our country ' s debt scale . The analysis shows that the feedback coefficient is positive in the financial response function and is slightly higher than that of other countries in the current literature . It shows that the basic surplus rate of our country increases with the increase of the debt burden rate . The central government has the ability to adjust accordingly with the change of the debt burden rate , and the positive feedback coefficient will not undermine the sustainability of our debt . 4 . Looking at the sustainability of our debt through a prospective study methodology On the one hand , based on the uncertainty of the future , this paper introduces the assumption of the stability of the past trend , introduces the randomness of the key variables of the debt dynamic , predicts the debt level in the future by Monte Carlo method , and builds the risk index to measure the debt sustainability . On the other hand , the paper designed two kinds of crisis scenarios , and applied pressure test method to analyze the change of debt burden rate in various crisis scenarios : after the impact on the real economic growth rate , the change of the debt burden rate was not great , and after the impact of the actual basic surplus rate and contingent liabilities , the debt burden rate exceeded 30 % and reached 35.64 % , which indicates that our country ' s debt burden rate is affected by the government ' s basic surplus rate and contingent liabilities .
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