本文关键词:通货膨胀目标制下货币政策对资产价格波动的反应机制研究 出处:《浙江财经学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 货币政策 资产价格 通货膨胀目标制 VAR模型
【摘要】:自1989年新西兰明确实行通货膨胀目标制以来,越来越多的国家采用了这种货币政策框架。陆续采取该制度的国家都成功降低了通货膨胀水平,实现了物价稳定。与此同时,很多国家在利率、物价和国内实体经济较为平稳的情况下,却出现了资产价格剧烈波动的现象。这不仅会对物价稳定目标产生影响,甚至会引发银行危机等系统性金融风险,2007年的美国次贷危机就是一次深刻的教训。资产价格波动对中央银行最终货币政策目标的实现有何影响,而央行又该怎样应对是目前理论界以及各国货币当局所重点关注的问题,也是本文研究的主要内容。 本文的研究内容主要包括以下三方面: 第一、研究通货膨胀目标制的特点及其在实践中的政策效果。通货膨胀目标制的最大特点是以稳定物价为首要目标,这意味着央行关注其他目标的前提是与物价稳定的目标没有冲突,但这种做法很可能导致央行不能对资产市场(股票市场、房地产市场等)的剧烈波动做出及时、适当的反应。 第二、从理论和实证角度分别对资产价格与货币政策的相关性进行了研究。从理论上讲,货币政策的实施会直接引起资产价格的波动,而资产价格的波动也会对货币政策的最终目标产生影响。在实证研究中,本文根据我国的实际情况选取了货币供应量、利率、股票价格、通货膨胀率以及工业增加值这五个变量,采用VAR模型、脉冲响应效应和方差分解等计量方法,证实了以股票为代表的资产价格确实对货币政策最终目标的产生影响,具体表现在:我国的股票价格对通货膨胀率有指示器的作用;与产出的波动存在微弱的正相关关系。 第三、分析通货膨胀目标制下央行应对资产价格波动的政策选择。首先,本文探讨了通货膨胀目标制的框架在应对资产价格波动的局限性,继而从理论上分析了央行应对资产价格波动的几种政策选择:通过货币政策直接对资产价格波动作出反应(构建包含资产价格的广义通货膨胀指数和将资产价格纳入货币反应函数)和间接关注资产价格的波动,以防止形成资产价格泡沫;当资产价格出现泡沫时,央行必须及时进行调控,甚至可以以牺牲产出和物价稳定为代价;而在泡沫破灭后,央行必须及时采取积极的事后救助措施,,以缓解对实体经济造成的剧烈冲击。因此,央行可以考虑以一种更为灵活的方式应对资产价格变化。
[Abstract]:Since 1989 , New Zealand has made clear the inflation target system , more and more countries have adopted the framework of monetary policy . In the meantime , many countries have succeeded in lowering inflation level and realizing price stability . At the same time , many countries have had a profound lesson in the interest rate , price and domestic real economy . The research contents of this paper mainly include the following three aspects : First , study the characteristics of inflation target system and its policy effect in practice . The biggest characteristic of inflation target system is to aim at stabilizing the price , which means that the central bank pays close attention to other objectives without a conflict with the target of price stability , but it is likely to result in a timely and appropriate response of the central bank to the violent fluctuation of the asset market ( stock market , real estate market , etc . ) . Second , the correlation between asset price and monetary policy is studied theoretically and empirically . In theory , the implementation of monetary policy will directly cause the fluctuation of asset price , and the fluctuation of asset price will influence the ultimate goal of monetary policy . Third , analyze the policy choice of the central bank to deal with the fluctuation of asset price . First , this paper discusses several policy options of the inflation target system to deal with the fluctuation of asset price , and then analyzes the policy options of the central bank to deal with the fluctuation of asset price . After the bubble burst , the central bank must take active post - relief measures to mitigate the severe impact on the real economy .
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