本文关键词: 证券分析师 研究报告 投资评级 投资价值 出处:《华东理工大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The research report released by the Institute of Securities Research and its securities analysts has always been an important reference for investors. But since 2011 by the media exposure of a number of brokerage research report "Oolong" incident, the securities research report by the market has never been questioned by all parties, and the brokerage research report investment value? Based on this background, this paper selects ten research institutes of New Fortune Local Best Research team in 2010 as the main research objects, which are in bull market and bear market. The stock research report published under three different market conditions in the shock market is taken as sample data, and necessary adjustments or treatment are made to the date of release of the study report, the target price, the author, etc. Based on the processed sample data, based on the accuracy of the investment rating of the research report, the degree of achievement of the target price of the research report, the excess return rate of the study stock portfolio, the degree of achievement of the target price of the research report, Before and after the release of the research report, the excess return and volatility are studied in depth in order to draw some valuable conclusions from the differences between the best analysts' reports of New Wealth and Non-New Wealth in 2010. Provide investors with valuable research data support when making investment decisions using brokerage research reports. Through in-depth analysis and research, This paper draws the following conclusions: the accuracy of individual stock research report issued by securities firms is very different from that of different investment ratings; the stock research report issued by securities firms can reach its target price about one and a half months after the release of the individual stock research report. However, the market environment has a great impact on the realization of the target price of the individual stock research report. The worse the market environment, the more good the excess returns can be. In the bear market environment, In 2010, New Fortune Securities analysts released a research report on the accuracy of investment rating, target rate of achievement, excess yield better than non-new wealth securities analysts. This shows that the results of New Fortune's best securities analysts are quite credible. In 2010, the research report published by New Wealth's top securities analysts in various industries and other best securities analysts of New Wealth was accurate in investment rating. There are some differences in target price achievement and excess yield, but the difference is not very obvious.
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