本文选题:汇率改革 + 向量误差修正模型 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着汇率改革的不断推进以及股票市场的发展日益规范,外汇市场和股票市场之间的关系日趋紧密。在这种背景下,弄清汇率与股价之间的影响方向以及影响力的大小,具有一定的现实意义:首先,这有利于政府的政策制定。举例来说,人民币汇率改革的进一步目标是逐步实现资本项目的自由兑换,建立更具弹性的汇率制度。为了把握好管制进一步放开的程度以及时机,就不得不考虑汇率变化究竟会给股票市场的变动带来怎样的影响。这种情况下,本文对人民币汇率以及股价之间联动关系的量化分析就有了现实意义。其次,如果能更清楚地了解汇率与股票市场价格,特别是与不同行业的股价之间的联动关系,对投资者的投资决策也有一定的帮助。投资者可以在一定程度上利用一个市场的变动来预测另一个市场的变动,或者是通过对二者关系的了解来从总体上更好地把握整个经济形势。最后,特别提出的是,日本80年代“广场协议”的签订和日元的连续升值所引发的日本十余年的经济衰退以及98年的亚洲金融危机,都给我们带来了深刻的警醒:汇率的大幅波动会给一国的股市乃至经济带来不可磨灭的影响。因此,从汇改后的量化数据来确切地把握人民币汇率与股价之间的关系,对于防范股市动荡,推进经济平稳较快增长,有着十分必要的现实意义。 为了弄清人民币汇率与股价之间的联动关系,本文从理论以及实证两个角度进行分析。 在理论分析部分,本文首先介绍了流量导向模型以及股票导向模型。流量导向模型强调贸易平衡,认为汇率与股价之间存在从汇率到股价的单方向因果关系。该模型指出汇率的波动会影响一个公司的对外竞争力,进而会影响公司的现金流和股价,从而影响整个股票市场。股票导向模型强调资本与金融项目,认为汇率与股价之间存在从股价到汇率的单方向因果关系。该模型指出股价的波动会引起资本流动和货币供求的变化,而汇率的变动恰恰是由货币的供求变化所决定。 从对这两个模型的介绍中可以看出,汇率与股价之间的传导需要借助其他变量,因而本文接着对这些中间变量是怎样充当汇率与股价之间的传导途径进行了介绍。这些中间变量包括基础货币供应量、利率、进出口贸易、国际资本流动以及心理预期。中间变量以及传导途径的繁多使得汇率与股价之间的关系变得复杂起来,仅仅通过理论分析已经无法清晰地表述汇率与股价之间的影响方向和影响力的大小,它们之间的具体关系取决于这些中间变量以及传导途径的综合角力。也正因为此,必须要通过实证研究,得出确切地结论,才能正确认知汇改后人民币汇率以及股价之间的联动关系。 实证部分分为两个部分: 一是为了从整体上把握人民币汇率与股价之间的关系,选择了人民币兑美元汇率与沪深300指数作为实证研究对象。 二是考虑到不同行业有着不同特性,它们与人民币汇率的联动可能会有不一样的表现形式,以往的文献对这一角度的研究又很少,所以本文接着从行业指数的角度对二者的关系进行分析,具体选择了金融行业指数、地产行业指数、造纸行业指数以及纺织行业指数作为代表。 在对人民币兑美元汇率与沪深300指数进行的实证研究中,选择的实证方法与步骤大致如下:首先对各时间序列进行ADF单位根检验,以判断它们的平稳性;在得到二者都是一阶平稳序列的结论后,对两个序列又进行了Johansen协整检验,这是为了对二者之间是否具有长期稳定关系先有个初步判断,而且这也是构建向量误差修正模型的基础;得到了二者具有协整关系的结论后,本文构建了向量误差修正模型,目的是要得到二者之间长期和短期影响的量化数据。最后,本文又对二者进行了格兰杰因果关系检验,以判定一方的变化是否确切由另外一方引起。 具体的实证结果总结如下:人民币兑美元汇率和沪深300指数都是一阶单整序列,二者之间具有协整关系,且都是对方的格兰杰因果原因。从长期来看,二者之间具有稳定的反向关系,即人民币币值的上升会伴随着沪深300指数的上升,而沪深300指数的上升又会进一步推动人民币币值的上升;从短期来看,人民币兑美元汇率的变动对沪深300指数的影响要大于沪深300指数的变动对人民币兑美元汇率的影响,后者很小。 在总结了实证结果之后,本文进行了具体分析。首先,对于二者为什么在长期呈现反向关系,本文从货币供应量、利率、进出口贸易、国际资本流动这几个角度进行了细致地分析。然后,对于短期内人民币兑美元汇率的变动对沪深300指数的影响较大这一结论,本文认为主要原因在于短期内我国的企业缺乏汇率风险概念,应对汇率波动的经验较少,水平较低,因而经营状况和股价水平都容易受到汇率变动的影响。最后,对于短期内沪深300指数的变动对人民币兑美元汇率的影响较小这一结论,本文认为主要原因在于我国的利率市场化水平不高以及资本项目仍受管制,股价向汇率进行传导的中介未能正常地发挥作用。 为了更好地利用现阶段人民币币值上涨对股市整体的推动作用以及应对人民币汇率弹性进一步加大可能对股市产生的不良影响,本文从加快产业结构升级、加强对短期投机性资本的监管、合理运用外汇衍生工具等方面给出了政策建议。 最后,为了更好地了解人民币汇率与不同行业股价间的关系,本文又从金融行业、地产行业、造纸行业以及纺织行业这几个角度分别进行了实证分析,并对具体结果给出了相应分析以及政策建议。 本文的创新主要体现在两个方面: 一是国内外的文献对汇率与股价之间关系的研究多是从整个股票市场的角度着手,忽略了各个行业不同的特性。为了弥补这一不足,本文在对汇率与股价整体水平进行研究的基础上,选取了金融行业指数、地产行业指数、造纸行业指数以及纺织行业指数来对人民币兑美元汇率与各个行业指数之间的关系进行探讨。 二是在数据选取上,本文选择沪深300指数作为中国股票市场价格运行情况的代表,原因主要有以下几个方面:第一,过去的文献多是使用上证综指来研究人民币汇率与股价的联动关系,本文想通过对沪深300指数的选用,来从另一个角度探讨人民币与股价的联动关系。第二,沪深300指数的样本选自于沪深两个证券市场,相较于上证综指和深证综指等指数,可以更好的反映中国股票市场整体的走势。
[Abstract]:In this context , it is of practical significance to understand the relationship between the exchange rate and the stock market , especially the relationship between the exchange rate and stock price .
In order to clarify the linkage between RMB exchange rate and stock price , this paper analyzes theoretically and empirically .
The model points out that the fluctuation of the exchange rate can affect the company ' s external competitiveness and then affect the whole stock market . The model points out that the fluctuation of the exchange rate can affect the company ' s cash flow and stock price , which can affect the whole stock market . The model points out that the fluctuation of the stock price can cause the change of capital flow and the supply and demand of money , and the change of exchange rate is determined by the supply and demand of money .
It can be seen from the introduction of the two models that the conduction between the exchange rate and the stock price requires the help of other variables , so the paper introduces how these intermediate variables act as the conduction paths between the exchange rate and the stock price . These intermediate variables include basic money supply , interest rate , import and export trade , international capital flow and psychological expectation .
The empirical part is divided into two parts :
One is to grasp the relationship between RMB exchange rate and stock price from the whole , and choose RMB exchange rate and Shanghai - Shenzhen 300 index as an empirical research object .
Second , considering that different industries have different characteristics , their linkage with RMB exchange rate may have different forms , and the previous literature has little research on this angle , so this paper analyzes the relationship between them from the angle of industry index , and selects the financial industry index , real estate industry index , paper industry index and textile industry index as the representative .
In the empirical research on the RMB exchange rate and the Shanghai - Shenzhen 300 index , the empirical method and the steps are as follows : firstly , performing ADF unit root test on each time sequence to judge their stationarity ;
After the conclusion of the first order stable sequence , Johansen co - integration test is carried out on two sequences , which is the basis of constructing vector error correction model in order to have a preliminary judgement on whether there is long - term stable relationship between them .
A vector error correction model is constructed to obtain quantitative data with long - term and short - term effects .
The empirical results are summarized as follows : Both the RMB exchange rate and the Shanghai - Shenzhen 300 index are single - order sequences , there is a co - integration relationship between the RMB and the Shanghai - Shenzhen 300 index . In the long term , there is a stable reverse relationship between the two , that is , the rise of the value of the RMB is accompanied by the rise of the Shanghai - Shenzhen 300 index , and the rise of the Shanghai - Shenzhen 300 index will further promote the rise of the value of the RMB ;
In the short term , the impact of the RMB exchange rate on the Shanghai - Shenzhen 300 index is greater than that of the Shanghai - Shenzhen 300 index , which is very small .
After summarizing the positive results , this paper makes a detailed analysis . First of all , this paper analyzes the influence of the exchange rate fluctuation on the RMB exchange rate in the short term , which is mainly because of the lack of the concept of exchange rate risk in the short term .
In order to make better use of the promotion of RMB currency increase to the whole stock market , and to deal with the adverse effect of RMB exchange rate elasticity on the stock market , this paper puts forward some policy suggestions from accelerating the upgrading of industrial structure , strengthening supervision on short - term speculative capital , and rationally using foreign exchange derivatives .
Finally , in order to better understand the relationship between RMB exchange rate and stock price of different industries , this paper also makes an empirical analysis from the angles of the financial industry , real estate industry , paper industry and textile industry , and gives the corresponding analysis and policy suggestions to the concrete results .
The innovation of this paper is mainly embodied in two aspects :
First , the research on the relationship between exchange rate and stock price is from the angle of the whole stock market , and the different characteristics of each industry are neglected . In order to make up for this deficiency , the paper discusses the relationship between RMB exchange rate and industry index based on the research on the whole level of exchange rate and stock price , and selects the index of financial industry , real estate industry index , paper industry index and textile industry index .
Second , the paper tries to explore the linkage between RMB exchange rate and stock price by using Shanghai - Shenzhen 300 index as the representative of the price operation of Chinese stock market . The paper tries to explore the linkage between RMB and stock price from another perspective . The second , Shanghai - Shenzhen - 300 index is selected from two securities markets in Shanghai and Shenzhen , which can better reflect the overall trend of China ' s stock market .
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