本文选题:外汇市场 + 汇率制度改革 ; 参考:《南京理工大学》2012年硕士论文
[Abstract]:On July 21, 2005, China carried out the reform of RMB exchange rate system, which formed a more flexible RMB exchange rate formation mechanism. Since then, the reform and development of China's foreign exchange market has progressed steadily. The people's Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange have successively adopted a series of policies and measures to deepen the reform, actively improving foreign exchange market construction and strengthening foreign exchange market management. Since the exchange rate reform in 2005, with the continuous improvement of the exchange rate formation mechanism of China's foreign exchange market, the current account and capital account controls have been gradually liberalized. The participants in China's foreign exchange market have expanded continuously, trading varieties and trading methods have become more abundant, the volume of transactions has increased significantly, and the degree of marketization of the RMB exchange rate and the effectiveness of the foreign exchange market have improved significantly. This also makes the validity of China's foreign exchange market more controversial. Based on the reform and development of China's foreign exchange market, this paper probes into the important development and changes of China's foreign exchange market since the reform of the exchange rate regime in 2005, and carries out qualitative and quantitative analysis of the overall effectiveness of the foreign exchange market. Moreover, a series of policy and measure changes of deepening the reform of China's foreign exchange market after the exchange rate reform in 2005 are incorporated into the research framework to study the impact of the relevant policy changes on the exchange rate changes and market effectiveness of China's foreign exchange market. First of all, on the basis of summarizing the domestic and foreign theories and empirical research, this paper makes an empirical test on the effectiveness of China's foreign exchange market since the exchange rate reform in 2005, and judges the overall situation of the effectiveness of China's foreign exchange market. Secondly, the exchange rate reform in 2005 has a time span of nearly seven years. In order to avoid the long-term economic structural changes caused by the long time span and the interaction between the various policy changes, This paper takes the relevant foreign exchange system reform and policy change since the exchange rate reform in 2005 as the time node to analyze the influence of the foreign exchange market policy changes on the exchange rate fluctuation and the effectiveness of the foreign exchange market. Finally, on the basis of the empirical research conclusions, this paper makes an objective evaluation of the effectiveness of China's foreign exchange market and the implementation effect of relevant foreign exchange policies, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for perfecting the construction of China's foreign exchange market and improving the degree of market effectiveness.
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