[Abstract]:Dividend policy is one of the important financial decisions of listed companies, and it is also an important research topic in the field of corporate finance. However, cash dividend has always been a very difficult and puzzling problem in the field of corporate finance. The capital market of our country not only has the "dividend mystery" of the western mature market, but also has Chinese characteristics because of its special national conditions. At present, the dividend policy of listed companies in our country is extremely unreasonable and the problem is increasingly prominent. The controlling shareholders encroach on the interests of minority shareholders through the "tunneling behavior" of cash dividends and seize the private income of control rights. Especially in the imperfect system of protecting minority shareholders in China's capital market, this kind of tunneling behavior is especially serious. On the basis of reviewing the dividend theory at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the research literature on the characteristics of controlling shareholders, industry factors and cash dividend policy at home and abroad, based on the principal-agent theory of controlling shareholders. Taking the principal-agent problem between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders as the breakthrough point, considering the actual control income of the controlling person of listed companies, a principal-agent model including Lintner model based on the characteristics of controlling shareholders is proposed based on Liang Shao (2010). This paper selects 1518 listed companies of A shares in China from 2008 to 2010 to study the relationship between the characteristics of controlling shareholders and the level of cash dividend payment, and reveals the economic nature of controlling shareholders, and adopts quantile regression to study the relationship between the characteristics of controlling shareholders and the payment level of cash dividends. The degree of separation of two rights, the situation of dividend payment and the distributable profit per share not only have a nonlinear effect on the level of cash dividend payment, but also have different effects on the level of cash dividend payment by different factors at different points. Moreover, the influence of the separation degree of two rights on the level of cash dividend payment changes the direction between the low dividend payment level and the high dividend payment level. The quantile regression results contain more information than the ordinary least squares method. This paper further analyzes the influence mechanism of industry factors on cash dividend policy, and analyzes the business-industry two-tier structure data of 623 cash dividend companies in 2009 by using hierarchical line model. This paper describes the adjustment effect of industry factors on cash dividend payment rate, and discusses in detail two ways and mechanisms of industry influencing the distribution of cash dividend: first, industry characteristics directly lead to the difference of cash dividend payment rate among industries; second, Industry characteristics also lead to differences in the influence of enterprise characteristics on the level of cash dividend payment rate, that is, industry characteristics to enterprise characteristics (the economic nature of controlling shareholders, the separation degree of two rights), The effect of prepaid dividend and distributable profit per share on the cash dividend payment rate has a moderating effect. The results show that more than 7% of the overall difference in cash dividend payment rate is caused by industry factors, and the influence of enterprise characteristics on cash dividend payment rate depends on industry characteristics (industry confidence level, industry cash dividend payment), Industry competition, industry growth opportunities) change: industry characteristics are not simply to slow or strengthen the impact of corporate characteristics on the cash dividend payment rate, The influence of industry characteristics on the cash dividend payment rate may change in size and direction. The conclusion of this paper is helpful to clarify the mechanism and ways of influencing the distribution of cash dividend in the industry, at the same time, it also promotes the further understanding of the policy of the distribution of cash dividend, and puts forward some relevant policy suggestions.
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