[Abstract]:In modern enterprise system, equity incentive, as an effective long-term incentive mechanism, has received more and more attention. However, in the practice of listed companies in China, the implementation effect of equity incentive companies is not the same. So, can equity incentive preference bring positive wealth effect to the company at this stage? The listed company has the selectivity to the stock right incentive plan, whether has to do with the company's control right disposition? This paper focuses on the above two problems, taking the listed companies of the main board market and the SME board of Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchange from 2006 to 2011 as the research objects, and excluding the St companies, the companies that issue A shares and B shares at the same time, the listed companies of financial and data incomplete companies, and the listed companies of the listed companies, which are listed in the main board market and the SME board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2006 to 2011. First of all, we use the event research method to test the wealth effect of equity incentive preference by selecting different event windows. Secondly, we select all the listed companies as the research samples. The relationship between control allocation and equity incentive preference is tested by empirical research. The results show that: (1) equity incentive preference can produce a significantly positive short-term wealth effect, that is, it can improve the value of the company; (2) the allocation of control rights will significantly affect the equity incentive preference. Among them, the nature of the actual controller is the high preference for equity incentive of listed companies in private enterprises; the low preference for equity incentives of listed companies with strong controlling power of the first largest shareholder; the high preference for equity incentives of listed companies with two positions in one; the degree of equity concentration. The stock incentive preference of listed companies with high proportion of senior managers is high. Therefore, from the research results of this paper, it can be seen that different forms of control rights allocation lead to different preference for equity incentive. China needs to establish and perfect the laws and regulations related to equity incentive and standardize the capital market. Listed companies need to perfect their internal governance structure and formulate a scientific and reasonable equity incentive plan according to their own actual situation.
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