[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, the transformation of enterprise production from labor-intensive to capital-intensive, especially technology-intensive, has become an international development trend. Science and technology and innovation play a vital role in the long-term development of an enterprise, a region or even a country. In a sense, whoever grasps the new technology has the initiative in the market. The IT revolution at the end of last century interprets the proposition that science and technology is the first productive force to the world, which indicates that scientific and technological innovation can create economic growth point and promote economic development. Scientific and technological innovation not only plays an important role in promoting high-tech industry, but also for manufacturing enterprises. With the increasing of competitive pressure, enterprises are more and more aware of the importance of R & D activities for their own development. More and more enterprises take increasing R & D investment as a means to improve their competitiveness. As a new economic zone to undertake industries, the city belt of Anhui River, how to use scientific and technological innovation to improve the efficiency of enterprises, give play to the local labor force, natural resources and regional advantages, and create a number of successful high-tech manufacturing enterprises. Anhui River urban belt and even the entire Anhui Province's economic development has important significance. Can the R & D input of the listed companies in Wanjiang City Belt produce positive output effect? To what extent has productivity been improved? This article carries on the empirical research on this question. In order to study the effect of R & D investment in Wanjiang urban belt, this paper studies the relationship between R & D investment and corporate profit level by using mixed regression model and panel model, taking the listed companies in the manufacturing industry of Wanjiang urban belt as samples, and using mixed regression model and panel model. And the influence of R & D investment on Q value of the company, the conclusion that R & D activity is positively correlated with profit level and Tobin Q value is obtained.
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