[Abstract]:The stock index futures have the high lever characteristic, is the high risk financial derivative. With the formal listing of stock index futures in China on April 16, 2010, it also brings a great challenge to the risk management of stock index futures market. Therefore, in order to effectively promote the healthy development of China's capital market, it is necessary to manage and control the risk of stock index futures market after the listing of stock index futures in China. The foundation and core of financial risk management is the quantitative analysis and evaluation of risk, and the research on risk measurement of stock index futures is particularly important and urgent. As an effective means of risk management, VaR method has become a common understanding among many risk measurement methods of financial assets, so after the introduction of stock index futures in China, It is necessary to use VaR method to manage its risk. The full name of VaR is value at risk, which means "value in risk", which is defined as "value at risk" under normal market fluctuation and at a certain confidence level. The maximum possible loss of a portfolio in a particular period in the future. Although the concept of VaR is simple, measuring VaR is still a very challenging statistical problem. Many models used to calculate VaR have their own advantages and disadvantages. So far, the best model for calculating VaR has not been found. The research on the model of calculating VaR is continuing. In this paper, VaR is used as a tool to measure the market risk of China's stock index futures, and combined with the daily closing price data of CSI 300 index, which is the target index of China's stock index futures, from April 8, 2005 to December 31, 2010. Three classical VaR parameter models, three models of non-recursive quantile regression VaR model and nine models of recursive quantile regression VaR model are selected. At the confidence level of 95% and 99% respectively, the VaR forecast of China's stock index futures market is carried out one day ahead. Finally, Kupiec test and quantile loss test are used to evaluate the performance of various models and methods for calculating VaR from different perspectives. In order to select the most suitable VaR model to calculate the risk of stock index futures in China, provide a comprehensive reference for managers with different needs. Through the empirical analysis, it is found that the VaR model with quantile regression method performs well and is superior to or not worse than the classical VaR parameter model under almost all test criteria and confidence levels. In the Kupiec failure rate test, the non-recursive quantile regression VaR model is better than the recursive quantile regression VaR model. The EGARCH (1 ~ 1) -t model is optimal. In the quantile loss test, the recursive quantile regression VaR model is superior to the non-recursive quantile regression VaR model, in which the as model is optimal at the 95% confidence level and the SAV model is optimal at the 99% confidence level. Therefore, it is suggested to select models according to different management needs to measure the VaR value of China's stock index futures market. From the security point of view, in order to ensure that the loss is controllable, the QRs in the non-recursive quantile regression VaR model are selected first by referring to the results of the failure rate test. The EGARCH (1 ~ 1) -t model, from the point of view of capital liquidity and profitability, focuses on the selection of SAV model under 95% confidence level and 99% confidence level for as model, and then SAV model is given priority for reference to the test results of quantile loss (95% confidence level) and as model (99% confidence level).
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