[Abstract]:The exchange rate is the price of one country's currency relative to that of another, and its fluctuation determines the real purchasing power of the country's currency, and the stock market price is a barometer of a country's economic development. Exchange rates reflect one country's economic relations with another, and stock market prices reflect the country's own economic development. With the rapid development and deepening of the national economy, the fluctuation of the exchange rate and the price of the stock market are becoming more and more close. The stability of the exchange rate and the stock market price in the foreign exchange market is particularly important for the national economic development. Since China began to reform the exchange rate system in 2005, although great progress has been made, the exchange rate system of our country still has a lot of immaturity and needs to be improved. In addition, compared with the western developed countries, our financial industry is still very backward. Compared with the reality of our country's economy, we have not yet achieved synchronized development. Therefore, it is necessary to study the impact of RMB exchange rate fluctuation on A-share market price in this situation. The structure of this paper is divided into four parts. First, the introduction describes the purpose of this study, and reviews the research results of experts and scholars at home and abroad. Secondly, in the first chapter, the theoretical basis and transfer mechanism of the influence of exchange rate fluctuation on stock market price are explained in detail, and the Granger causality test, cointegration test and variance analysis are deduced in the chapter of model analysis. Thirdly, because the relationship between exchange rate fluctuation and stock market price is complex, it is difficult to get the result by general linear analysis. Therefore, this paper absorbs Granger causality test and cointegration test, which are widely used in foreign mature research theories. The impulse response function and variance decomposition are used to test whether there is an equilibrium relationship between RMB exchange rate fluctuation and stock market price, and the specific influence of RMB exchange rate fluctuation on A-share market price. Fourthly, on the basis of empirical analysis, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions at the macro and micro levels to promote the stable development of the exchange rate market and stock market in China.
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