[Abstract]:Mutual fund is a popular collective investment and financing tool. After that, European countries experienced a period of closed development. With the publication of the first UCITS fund guide in 1985, the European mutual fund industry began the process of integration. UCITS funds were accepted by more and more investors between 1998 and 2007. The European mutual fund industry witnessed a decade of rapid development. Europe is now the world's second largest mutual fund market. Based on the existing literature, this paper analyzes the influence of legal environment, industry concentration, industry competition, investor protection and insider trading supervision on the development of European mutual fund industry. Using the cross-section data of 2006 before the financial crisis, the paper makes an empirical study on the relationship between the influencing factors and the development of mutual fund industry, and tries to find out the correlation and the degree of correlation. The main conclusions are: the European legal system is sound, the financial market is mature, the mutual fund industry has a long history of development, the information disclosure system is complete, the protection of investors is emphasized, and the investor education measures are complete. Funds can be sold across borders in an integrated market, a combination of reasons that have helped the European mutual fund industry flourish. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the development of China's fund industry through drawing lessons from European development experience. The innovation of this paper is that, on the one hand, most domestic scholars are studying the American mutual fund market, and few scholars systematically analyze the structure of European mutual fund industry, even if there is a simple data description. This paper summarizes the factors affecting the scale of mutual fund industry, which are summarized by predecessors, and combs out the internal logical relationship, which is convenient for domestic scholars to better understand the European market. On the other hand, this paper collects about 50000 fund data, classifies them into 20 samples according to countries, and makes a preliminary analysis of the regional and international development differences of European mutual fund industry using the cross-section data of these countries.
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