[Abstract]:Since the late 1980s, institutional investor shareholder activism has emerged in the West, institutional investors have abandoned Wall Street norms and have stopped "running away from inferior companies". In 2004, the State Council's views on promoting the reform and opening up of the capital market and the stable development of the capital market will "encourage compliance funds to enter the market." As an important policy to promote the stable development of capital market, institutional investors continue to develop. As a third party force between controlling shareholders and individual shareholders of listed companies, institutional investors have the advantages of scale, information and personnel to overcome the problem of "hitchhiking" in the corporate governance of individual investors. To improve the level of corporate governance. Active participation in the evaluation of management performance and the design of compensation system is the main way for institutional investors to participate in corporate governance. Therefore, the involvement of institutional investors will definitely have an impact on executive compensation and corporate performance of listed companies. Based on this, this paper puts forward the relationship among institutional investors, executive compensation and corporate performance on the basis of previous studies. In this paper, by combining normative research with empirical research, 316 listed companies with heavy positions held by institutional investors from 2008 to 2010 are used as research samples, and panel data model is used to analyze institutional investors. The relationship between executive compensation and corporate performance is studied. It is found that institutional investors' shareholding is positively related to listed companies' performance and executive compensation is positively correlated. Institutional investors can participate in making compensation plans of listed companies. Improve the performance of the company through reasonable salary incentive. Under the action of different types of institutional investors, the effectiveness of compensation incentive is different. Through the study of the relationship among institutional investors, executive compensation and corporate performance, it is found that institutional investors can help to solve the principal-agent problem of listed companies, reduce agency costs, improve the effectiveness of compensation incentives, and then improve corporate performance. Improve corporate governance. Therefore, expanding the scale of institutional investors and optimizing the structure of institutional investors have a positive role in improving the governance of listed companies.
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