[Abstract]:Financial quality refers to the extent to which all kinds of resources owned by an enterprise can meet the needs of realistic or potential stakeholders through reasonable and effective allocation. How to analyze and evaluate the financial quality of the listed companies and prevent or avoid the financial problems caused by the mistakes of decision making is very important to the listed companies as well as to the stakeholders. Compared with the main board market, the small and medium-sized board listed companies have extremely high growth and profitability, but the small and medium-sized board listed companies have smaller scale and shorter development time, and are vulnerable to the interference of internal factors and external environment. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate its financial quality. Therefore, how to evaluate the financial quality of small and medium-sized listed companies is an urgent and significant problem. This paper studies the financial quality of small and medium-sized board listed companies from the angle of investors. The investors in this paper are narrow sense investors, that is, potential investors and small and medium-sized investors. On the one hand, it can effectively protect the interests of small and medium-sized investors and keep their investment enthusiasm in order to ensure that the capital market funds are sufficient; on the other hand, it can effectively protect the interests of small and medium-sized investors and keep their investment enthusiasm. It can make the listed company set up the correct management idea and strengthen the idea of creating value for the shareholders in order to promote the healthy development of China's capital market. By comparing the profit quality and growth quality between the small and medium board and the main board, it is found that the non-current items of the main board listed companies fluctuate greatly and account for a high proportion of the profits, while the profit of the small and medium-sized board listed companies mainly comes from the main business income. And non-recurrent profit and loss account for small, small change in the three fees. Therefore, when constructing the evaluation index system of the small and medium-sized board listed companies, the indexes which directly reflect the operating profit are selected, such as "operating profit growth rate", "operating gross profit rate" and so on. In addition, the growth of small and medium-sized board mainly depends on its main business, and the quality of cash flow is still the key to restrict the development of small and medium-sized board enterprises, so the operating cash flow index is especially important. In order to better reflect the financial quality of the whole company, this paper adds the "growth rate of operating cash flow per share" in the construction of index system. Based on the above considerations, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of small and medium-sized board listed companies from the perspective of investors. Combined with the above index system, in the case analysis, in order to reduce the influence of subjective weighting factors, this paper adopts the factor analysis method of objective weighting. Through this method, the financial data of the sample companies publicly disclosed from 2008 to 2010 are calculated and collated, and the financial quality of the small and medium-sized board listed companies is further evaluated on the basis of factor scores. Finally, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions from the three levels of enterprise managers, investors and market regulators, and puts forward some constructive suggestions on how to improve the financial quality of small and medium-sized boards as a whole.
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