[Abstract]:The stock price is affected by many factors, among which, the investors can get and utilize the financial information released by the company. Whether the financial information is relevant to the stock price and the difference of the explaining ability of the different financial information to the stock price is always a hot research topic. The current research focuses on the relationship between the current stock price and the current financial information, and neglects the influence of historical information and market on the future expected information. Based on this, this paper uses time series financial information data to establish a regression model between financial information and stock price of listed companies in China to provide more comprehensive and accurate valuation advice for stock investment decisions. Based on the theoretical framework of the relationship between time series financial information and stock price, this paper takes the biopharmaceutical industry as a sample. The multivariate regression models of "correlation between current financial information and stock price" and "time series financial information and stock price correlation" are established respectively, and the two regression models are compared and analyzed. The results show that: first, In China's stock market, it is feasible to explain the change of stock price by time series financial index, but the explanation ability is limited. In addition to financial information, non-financial information, such as macro policies, also have a great impact on stock prices. The value relevance of financial information needs to be improved. Second, compared with historical data, The financial information of the current period and the expected information of the future have better value correlation to the stock price. Third, when using the financial information to evaluate the stock price, we should pay more attention to the price-earnings ratio index in the historical information. In the current financial information, we should focus on the index of earnings per share, liquidity ratio and operating profit growth rate. In the expected financial information, we should focus on the indicators of earnings per share, current ratio and net interest rate of sales.
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