[Abstract]:In the 21st century, the trend of economic globalization has brought great influence to the development of market economy in our country. Under the pressure of more and more fierce competition, more and more companies have financial distress or even bankruptcy. We have to pay high attention to this. In order to prevent the financial distress of enterprises and avoid to bring huge losses to the stakeholders such as investors, creditors, employees, banks and other financial institutions, we must build an effective financial distress warning model. Through the construction of this model, the managers of the enterprise can find out the danger signals in advance and analyze the causes, and then take early measures to prevent the enterprises from falling into financial distress or even finally going bankrupt. It is not difficult to find out whether the company is in financial distress based on whether the company is bankrupt or not. According to the research of Chinese scholars and the actual situation of enterprises in our country, this paper holds that financial distress is a dynamic process and has a gradual deterioration process, which includes all kinds of situations in the process of enterprise from slight abnormal financial condition to bankruptcy. In the part of empirical research, this paper mainly draws lessons from the practice of most domestic scholars, and studies the listed companies (including ST and St companies) as financial distress companies in our country. This paper summarizes the contents of financial distress and its early warning, and makes a basic analysis of the relationship between EVA, board governance and early warning of financial distress. The 38 A-share companies (including ST and St companies) that were specially treated in the annual report of Shenzhen Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2012 due to their abnormal financial position (especially the losses for two consecutive years) were defined as financial distress companies. According to the same or similar industry and asset size, 38 normal companies were selected as paired samples. After the significant difference test and correlation analysis of the traditional financial index and board governance variables, three early warning models were established by using logistic regression. The first regression is to introduce the traditional financial indexes into the model, and the second regression is to build the model by adding the EVA index to the model obtained from the previous regression. The third is to add the governing variables of the board of directors on the basis of the second regression model, and then compare the results of the third regression respectively. The results show that the accuracy of the three regression models is 81.6% and 84.2%, respectively. The results show that it is feasible and effective to introduce EVA and board governance variables into the financial distress warning model at the same time.
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