[Abstract]:The smooth progress of the reform of split share structure in 2005 has declared the arrival of the era of full circulation of China's capital market. At the same time, the stock market experienced a sharp rise to a collapse: total A-share market capitalization soared from 3.1 trillion at the end of 2005 to 32.44 trillion in October 2007, followed by a plunge to 12.14 trillion in 2008. With such a turbulent stock market, the research of market value management has become the inevitable outcome of the whole circulation of capital market, and market value management has become a hot research topic in China's capital market. Market capitalization has become the benchmark for the comprehensive measurement of listed companies in the capital market. The market value has been used to realize the shareholder income of listed companies, the level of financing efficiency, the size of competitive advantage, the ability of acquisition and anti-takeover. Management performance appraisal and investor wealth have important influence. The proposal of market value management also marks a profound change in the management philosophy and management philosophy of listed companies in China, that is, the transformation of company management from profit orientation to value and market value orientation. Therefore, the research on market value management is of great significance both in theory and practice. This paper probes into the market value management from the perspective of strategic management of listed companies in China, and tries to innovate a relatively perfect theoretical analysis framework and evaluation index system. Firstly, market value management is divided into three parts: value creation, value management and value realization. Value management and value realization. Because value creation, management and realization can only be carried out on the basis of finding value, value creation and value management are essentially a process of maintaining and increasing value, so it is merged into value management. Secondly, this paper puts the perspective of market value management on the strategic height, because this paper thinks that corporate strategy is to solve the problem of how to achieve value growth and maintain sustainability, and corporate strategic management is the most fundamental value-creating activity. It is the foundation of value realization. Specifically, this article from the strategic planning and implementation of the two aspects, core competitiveness, industry status, financial management, corporate governance, Customer relationship management and investment relationship management are six dimensions of value discovery and value management strategy research. Then, this paper discusses some strategies on how to realize the internal value of Chinese listed companies through the outside of the capital market under the condition that the current Chinese capital market is not effective, thus completing the value discovery. The benign cycle and organic unity of the three links of value management and value realization have been established, and a perfect analysis framework of market value management has been established. Market value management performance evaluation is the link between market value management theory and practice. Based on the market value management analysis framework, this paper analyzes the core competitiveness, industry status, financial management, corporate governance. Six aspects of customer relationship management and investment relationship management have preliminarily constructed a more comprehensive theoretical evaluation index system. At the same time, combined with the existing accounting statistical indicators, an operational practical evaluation index system is constructed, and the data of 23 sample companies are collected for empirical test. Finally, the paper summarizes and summarizes the main conclusions of this paper.
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