[Abstract]:As the core of the financial system, commercial banks play an indispensable role in the economic operation. Credit business is the traditional core business of commercial banks, but also one of the main sources of profit for commercial banks. Although a series of reform measures were introduced in the early stage of China to reduce the non-performing assets ratio of commercial banks from 25% at the end of 2002 to 0.94% at the beginning of 2012, the situation of non-performing loans has deteriorated since 2012. The balance of non-performing loans of commercial banks has reached 492.9 billion yuan, which has rebounded for five consecutive quarters. This indicates that the quality of credit assets of commercial banks in China still exists hidden dangers.
Therefore, in order to reduce the possibility of default and control the risk of bank credit, banks need to make certain supervision to enterprises. Through investigating the financial situation of enterprises, business activities can judge whether enterprises can repay loans in full and on time. In view of the importance of listed companies and the availability of data, this paper makes a multi-angle analysis of the financial indicators of listed companies to determine their impact on bank credit decisions. The empirical research in this paper can not only examine whether commercial banks are scientific and rational in loan decision-making, but also reflect the main financial indicators of commercial banks in loan approval decision-making and the financial characteristics of listed companies to obtain loans. Then, according to the analysis of the empirical results and the reality of commercial banks, this paper puts forward relevant policy recommendations on credit decision-making and risk control.
As the benchmark interest rate of the central bank is relatively stable from 2009 to 2010, this paper uses A-share listed companies that have successfully obtained commercial bank loans during this period as data samples. This paper uses the methods of logistic regression and least squares regression to do correlation empirical research. The whole process uses SPSS16.0 to analyze and make corresponding policy recommendations on the problems it reflects. The second part uses OLS regression analysis to make an empirical study on the correlation between the size of long-term and short-term loans and the financial situation of listed companies; the third part still uses OLS regression analysis to examine the correlation between the types of long-term and short-term loans and the financial situation.
Finally, the empirical results show that there is no significant correlation between the decision-making of commercial banks whether to grant loans and the financial situation of listed companies, but the correlation between loan size and financial situation is more significant. Credit loans are more sensitive to financial conditions, while guaranteed loans (guaranteed loans, mortgages) are not significantly related to financial conditions. This is different from Hu Yiming's conclusion that the types of loans obtained in 2006 are not significantly related to financial conditions. In the examination and approval of the term loan, the analysis of the financial indicators of the borrower's operational ability is neglected. In the long-term loan, commercial banks do not attach much importance to the indicators of the listed company's profitability. Therefore, from the perspective of the commercial bank's credit system, we put forward some suggestions to solve the problems found and perfect the credit market. It can be used for reference.
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