[Abstract]:Dividend distribution is one of the important research contents of corporate finance. The core problem is whether the policy orientation of dividend distribution is related to the value of the company. This paper first points out the research background, then makes a systematic review of the relevant literature, which is divided into three parts: the review of classical theory, the literature review of signal effect of dividend policy, and the stock dividend and the return on excess investment. Among them, the classical theory is divided into signal theory and behavioral finance theory. The second, third part focuses on the review of domestic and foreign literature on dividend policy signal effect and stock dividend long-term and short-term excess returns. In the empirical part, this paper studies the relationship between the dividend policy and the return on excess investment in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2007 to 2010, and chooses stock dividend as the starting point to analyze it in the short and long term. In the short term, the event study method is used to prove the signalling effect of stock dividend. It is considered that the stock dividend behavior can bring short-term excess return on investment, and the higher the proportion of stock is, the more obvious the signal effect is. Using the method of linear regression for a long time, it is found that the company that pays stock dividend can obtain the excess return which is higher than the market return in that year, but there is no significant correlation between the long-term income and the stock sending ratio. Finally, according to the empirical conclusions, the paper makes investment suggestions to investors.
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