[Abstract]:With the development of global economic integration, the environment that enterprises face in the process of operation is becoming more and more complex and changing rapidly. The ability of owners, creditors, management and boards to obtain timely and reliable information determines the quality of their decisions and thus affects the financial risk of the enterprise. China's capital market is a new, young market, information disclosure mechanism is not perfect. Based on signal theory, contract theory and other basic theories, we can see that regardless of the quality of information disclosure, owners, creditors and management will still make corresponding understandings and actions according to their respective motives. And their behavior will affect the enterprise, and ultimately affect the financial risk. In China, many listed companies themselves are the product of property rights reform, the ultimate controller of this part of listed companies is still governments at all levels and state-owned assets supervision and management departments. They are more subject to government intervention than non-state holding companies, enjoy certain industrial support policies, and undertake multiple government goals. These are beneficial and harmful to the operation and management of enterprises, and will eventually affect the financial risks of enterprises. The other part of the listed companies are non-state-owned holding companies, and these companies have all grown up in the market economy conditions of our country. They also have innate advantages, but also face more constraints and challenges. Due to the difference of property rights between state-owned holding companies and non-state-owned holding companies, different stakeholders will make different behaviors on this distinction, which will affect the financial risk of enterprises. This paper mainly adopts the method of empirical research, accompanied by necessary theoretical explanation and explanation. This paper makes an empirical study on the relationship between the quality of information disclosure, the ultimate controller and the financial risk of enterprise wind from the aspects of theory and practice. Thus, it provides empirical and theoretical basis for enterprises to control financial risks and prevent and control corporate crises.
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