[Abstract]:The factors that affect the performance and the flow of funds in securities investment funds have always been a topic of concern to scholars at home and abroad. From different angles, for example, the duration of the fund, the rate of the fund, the size of the fund, and so on. This paper discusses the influence of different factors on the performance and capital flow of securities investment funds. However, so far, there is no research on the securities investment funds holding constraints on the performance of the fund, the flow of funds. Because of the underdevelopment of China's securities market, it is difficult to avoid the influence of stock holding constraints by means of derivatives and other means. Therefore, in order to better understand the characteristics of China's securities investment funds, clarify the impact of shareholding constraints on fund performance and capital flow, and try to provide relevant recommendations for regulators. This paper will focus on the impact of Chinese open-end fund ownership constraints on fund performance and capital flow. In this paper, two kinds of shareholding constraints are defined, which are hard constraints and soft constraints. When the shareholding level of the fund enters the legal holding constraint of 5%, the fund is in a hard constraint, and the fund is in the soft constraint when the holding level of the fund is away from a standard deviation interval of the historical average shareholding level. In this paper, the following three assumptions are set up: first, the hybrid funds with more flexible shareholding ratio design can achieve higher average returns than equity funds; second, whether hard or soft constraint situations, When the fund is in a restricted state, the constraint state will have a negative impact on the future income. Third, when the fund is in a restricted state, whether it is a hard constraint or a soft constraint situation, This constraint will have a negative impact on the current capital flow. For hypothesis one, although the average return and average Alpha of the hybrid fund are higher than the average return and average Alpha, of the equity fund, according to the significance test, the difference between the two is not significantly greater than zero. This means that hybrid funds with more flexible shareholding ratios do not achieve significantly higher returns and Alpha. than equity funds For hypothesis two, both the lower bound and upper bound constraints have a negative impact on future earnings, regardless of whether they are hard or soft constraint situations, but only in soft constraint situations, upper bound constraints have a negative impact on future Alpha. For hypothesis three, whether hard constraint or soft constraint situation, when the fund is in the lower bound, the state has a positive impact on the current capital flow, while when the fund is in the upper limit constraint, the state has a negative impact on the current capital flow.
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