[Abstract]:The listed companies have obtained the funds needed for the development through the capital market, but many listed companies have changed the investment of the raised funds at will after raising the funds successfully. This behavior is not completely rational and effective. Moreover, this kind of change behavior is very common in the capital market of our country. This directly affects the vital interests of investors and the healthy development of the capital market. For listed companies, there are five specific investments: investment in main business, investment abroad, replenishment of working capital, idling and debt repayment. What kind of market reaction will there be after studying the different changing investment respectively, and according to the research result to carry on the difference analysis, to formulate the corresponding countermeasure, this will improve the capital utilization efficiency of the listed company, It is of positive significance to improve the quality of listed companies and promote the healthy development of capital market. This paper expounds the institutional background and relevant theoretical basis of the changing investment of raising funds. From the point of view of actual data, this paper makes a detailed descriptive statistical analysis on the current situation, characteristics and reasons of the raising funds and the changing investment behavior of the listed companies in China. This paper adopts the method of combining theoretical analysis and empirical test. This paper makes an analysis of the possible market reaction of the five kinds of specific investment in the changing investment of raising funds, and makes an empirical test on the relationship between the five kinds of specific investment and the market response. The conclusion is as follows: the market response is not significant downward for the overall capital raising behavior. The market response is a significant downward response to the shift to a major investment. For the change to foreign investment, the impact on the market response is not significantly upward. For the change of investment to supplementary liquidity, the market response is significantly upward. The effect on the market response is not significant for the change of investment to idle capital. The market response to such changes is significantly downward when the change is directed to debt repayment.
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