[Abstract]:There are about 69 public funds and more than 500 equity funds in the Chinese market, and the A share market has just experienced a wave of public fund issuance, the number of equity funds is increasing. The ranking war of public funds at the end of each year has attracted the attention of almost all securities market participants. Through recent years of observation, the public fund industry rarely "Changsheng General", many star funds but a flash in the pan, the next year on the fall of Sun Shan. Even in the long run, many funds have lost the benchmark, the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index, which undoubtedly hurt China's small and medium-sized fund investors (people), but also cast doubt on how many fund managers have really created value for investors. Therefore, how to effectively select a stable fund from a large number of equity funds is of great importance to the majority of fund investors. In addition, outstanding old funds may not necessarily open up for purchase when needed, such as "Chinese market selection." if the common external factors of outstanding funds can be found to predict the performance of new funds, That is for investors to choose funds or fund distribution channels to recommend funds have a very positive role. This paper summarizes the existing models of fund evaluation in the market, and based on their advantages and disadvantages, establishes a set of independent fund rating system, which takes downlink risk as the main risk measure. Then, the performance of long-term funds is ranked by Morningstar rating and independent rating, and the multivariate linear regression model is used to find out the possible variables related to the performance of excellent funds. Finally, it is found that among the two models, the variables that are significantly related to the long-term excellent performance are "the tenure of the fund manager" and "the annual average scale change". This result also accords with our cognition and judgment to fund market.
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